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Other => General Topics => Topic started by: emma on June 06, 2005, 01:57:02 AM

Title: *****MADAM EMMA'S*****
Post by: emma on June 06, 2005, 01:57:02 AM
       Welcome to Madam Emma's(http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v471/freethink/Picture3.gif)

Madam Emma will read the Tarot Cards for you.

Give Madam Emma 2 numbers between 0 and 78. 
Madam will then shuffle the cards and chose the 2 cards.
She will then reveal insight about something going on in your life and what may be influencing it.

You may contact Madam Emma  H E R E through the front door to request your reading.
Or you may PM Madam Emma through the back door. You may remain anonymous if you wish.
All readings will be posted H E R E
Be patient in receiving your reading.
Madam Emma needs time to meditate, cogitate, investigate, irritate and make-upiate

Madam Emma Sees All, Knows All and Tells All

Madam Emma needs something New to Do
Title: Re: *****MADAM EMMA'S*****
Post by: neal62 on June 06, 2005, 02:38:53 AM
Madam Emma, can't enter at H E R E yet? Can't choose 2 numbers yet.  ;D
Title: Re: *****MADAM EMMA'S*****
Post by: emma on June 06, 2005, 02:47:12 AM
 Madame Emma knew that Neal would be the first to enter.

                                            H E R E  H E R E!!

Never mind Neal, Madame Emma knows where H E R E is.   ;D ;D
Chose your #'s.
Title: Re: *****MADAM EMMA'S*****
Post by: neal62 on June 06, 2005, 02:49:44 AM
OK, I choose the numbers 3 and 9. How about that?
Title: Re: *****MADAM EMMA'S*****
Post by: emma on June 06, 2005, 02:54:45 AM
Would a moderator please move MADAM EMMA'S to another part of the carnival?
While Madam Emma was contacting the spirits, she was also enjoying the spirits and posted with the wrong clientele. ;D ;D

Madam Emma will now close her tent to concentrate Neal's fate. ::)
Title: Re: *****MADAM EMMA'S*****
Post by: emma on June 06, 2005, 03:50:12 AM
(http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v471/freethink/Wands7.gif)     (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v471/freethink/Cups10.gif)   Neil you have chosen the 7 of Wands which shows you are aggressive and assert yourself. When you know you are right, you act resolutely.  You step forward and take responsibility for your actions.  The 10 of Cups is the feeling you have toward family.  You find your joy, peace and harmony with them. When life tosses you around you draw back into this safe harbor.
Madam Emma know the kindness and loyalty you have.  May all your dreams come true. :)         

Title: Re: *****MADAM EMMA'S*****
Post by: neal62 on June 06, 2005, 03:51:20 AM
Madam Emma,

Good grief, how right you seem to be. Thanks for the reading. I appreciate that muchly. Have a good night.  :)
Title: Re: *****MADAM EMMA'S*****
Post by: xistenz on June 06, 2005, 02:21:07 PM
Please try 11 and 69.

Title: Re: *****MADAM EMMA'S*****
Post by: emma on June 06, 2005, 02:50:35 PM
(http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v471/freethink/Pentacles7.gif)                     (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v471/freethink/7TheChariot.gif)
xistenz, Your first card is the 7 of Pentacles.  Stop and review what you have been doing.  Make sure you are on the right course and know where you stand. When you feel confident, the Chariot card tells you to grab the gold ring and go for the victory ride. But beware of being too smug.   ;D
You will do well with all the possiblities that exist for you.  :)
Title: Re: *****MADAM EMMA'S*****
Post by: darkparrot on June 06, 2005, 03:07:49 PM
32 and 78
Title: Re: *****MADAM EMMA'S*****
Post by: XMAS on June 06, 2005, 03:42:01 PM
Hello Madam EMMA  :)
Please take a look at my numbers 3 and 54 .

Thanks  ;D
Title: Re: *****MADAM EMMA'S*****
Post by: SUSZANNAH on June 06, 2005, 04:58:26 PM
lol...this should be you busy for a while and out of mischief.....how about 11 and 13...... ;D
Title: Re: *****MADAM EMMA'S*****
Post by: emma on June 06, 2005, 05:08:12 PM
(http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v471/freethink/KnightofWands.gif)    (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v471/freethink/QueenofCups.gif)  Ah, Dark Parrot, your card is the Knight of Wands. You are handsome.  You have get-up-and-go and can be very charming and spontaneous.
You seek adventure and are often intoxicated with self importance.  Beware the Queen of Cups who is loving, tenderhearted, intuitive and benevolent.  (She also has an appetite for parrots)   ;D
Title: Re: *****MADAM EMMA'S*****
Post by: emma on June 06, 2005, 05:41:38 PM
(http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v471/freethink/Cups4.gif)    (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v471/freethink/Cups9.gif)
xmas,you are young and have romantic expectations. Not all cups that are offerered are full.
You must expect to be let down by some.  You will need to adjust your expectations.  The 4 of Cups reminds you not to sit and brood.
The 9 of Cups assures you of achieving happiness and success.  Take time to enjoy your own feelings.  What you receive is your own positive energy returning to you. :)
Title: Re: *****MADAM EMMA'S*****
Post by: XMAS on June 06, 2005, 05:46:13 PM
Hey thanks a lot MADAM EMMA   ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: *****MADAM EMMA'S*****
Post by: emma on June 06, 2005, 05:53:05 PM

Madam must remind SUSZANNAH not to question Madam's motives and integrity.  Madam places the highest value upon her readings. Madam is serious and trustworthy of giving good value for the price she receives.  Madam only reads the cards.  She can not be held responsible for what the cards reveal.

 Perhaps [/size][/font]SUSZANNAH would like to change her numbers?
Title: Re: *****MADAM EMMA'S*****
Post by: SUSZANNAH on June 06, 2005, 06:11:55 PM
My God, they are that bad are they....lol......ok try 13 and 51.... ;D
Title: Re: *****MADAM EMMA'S*****
Post by: bob3160 on June 06, 2005, 06:35:39 PM
Hi Emma
I have a couple of numbers for you:   62   and   45
Title: Re: *****MADAM EMMA'S*****
Post by: emma on June 06, 2005, 07:01:56 PM
(http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v471/freethink/2TheHighPriestess.gif)    (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v471/freethink/WandAce.gif)  Susz, your significant card is The High Priestess (of muck-a-muck). You harbor the mysterious. You spend much time in quiet contemplation. You live beneath the surface. You are passive and calm.
Stop trying to be so good. You can't shield yourself from the confusions of modern society.

The Ace of Wands calls you.  You can expect an age of new and exciting beginnings and fertility.  You can make anything happen.  Light the fire! Use that raw energy.  Burst forth with heat and enthusiasm.  Be reckless. Get carried away.   React to the stimulation.  Give 110%.  Go for it. Wake Up. Move Swiftly.  Step Forward. Expand. Opportunity Waits.
Go where the action is.

HEY GIRL, I'm going with ya.  I'll grab Connie and we can all head for the AVAST BAR and GRILL!!!
Title: Re: *****MADAM EMMA'S*****
Post by: emma on June 06, 2005, 07:29:23 PM
(http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v471/freethink/4TheEmperor.gif)    (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v471/freethink/12TheHangedMan.gif)Bob, you have chosen two major cards of the Tarot.  The first is the The Emperor.  It is the I AM card.  It shows leadership, authority and structure but also fathering. You like to tie up loose ends and give discipline to life.  Yet you find balance between stability and rigidity.  You do not stifle. You offer explanations and protect and defend.
The other card you chose is The Hanged Man.  You will find times when you must let go. It will be a good release. You must accept what is and give up control. Live for the moment and allow what is...to be.  It may be a paradox...that by letting go we gain control.  We move forward by standing still. Enjoy every moment you have now and let the future take care of itself.   :)
Title: Re: *****MADAM EMMA'S*****
Post by: SUSZANNAH on June 06, 2005, 07:35:48 PM
I WISH...lol

Better Dig the passport out........... ;D
Title: Re: *****MADAM EMMA'S*****
Post by: bob3160 on June 06, 2005, 07:55:49 PM
The first number was Alices age and the second was the # of years we've been married. ;D
Title: Re: *****MADAM EMMA'S*****
Post by: emma on June 06, 2005, 08:05:36 PM
The first number was Alices age

You're fer sure a HUNG MAN now.  ;D
Title: Re: *****MADAM EMMA'S*****
Post by: emma on June 06, 2005, 08:19:00 PM
Madam has just received a request for an anonymous reading.  The cards were 24 and 42.
(http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v471/freethink/Cups3.gif)    (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v471/freethink/Swords4.gif)  The first card for this seeker is the 3 of Cups. Said client is very happy, singing, dancing and making much music all the time. Now, dear client, you are very talented and so enthusiastic about your strumming of strings and singing of songs.  Sometimes you let it overcome you and others.  The 4 of Swords reminds you that you must think of others.  You must rest from your fiddling so that others in your household may rest also.

Oh, the numbers chosen were the clients age and chest measurement.  ;D
Title: Re: *****MADAM EMMA'S*****
Post by: SUSZANNAH on June 06, 2005, 08:22:54 PM
Emma....wishful thinking ;D
Title: Re: *****MADAM EMMA'S*****
Post by: darkparrot on June 07, 2005, 05:08:46 AM
(http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v471/freethink/KnightofWands.gif)    (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v471/freethink/QueenofCups.gif)  Ah, Dark Parrot, your card is the Knight of Wands. You are handsome.  You have get-up-and-go and can be very charming and spontaneous.
You seek adventure and are often intoxicated with self importance.  Beware the Queen of Cups who is loving, tenderhearted, intuitive and benevolent.  (She also has an appetite for parrots)   ;D

ty. Is there anyway to figure out (via our birthday) our birth card?
Title: Re: *****MADAM EMMA'S*****
Post by: emma on June 07, 2005, 01:41:09 PM
Is there anyway to figure out (via our birthday) our birth card?

As far as Madam knows the Tarot has no birth cards.  Perhaps you are thinking more of Astrology which Madam knows nothing about. (maybe next week).  :)

But many people choose a significant card from the Tarot.  Madam's significant card is the Queen of Swords.
Here are some characteristics of the Queen:
1.Honest, Astute, Forthright, Witty
2.Everyone who talks with her goes away wiser
3.Not interested in conforming
4.Not always pleasant to be around, but can be counted on
5.A model of self sufficiency, independence and high intellect

The Swords are cards of the mind.....thinking cards.
Madam Emma's husband often tells her to quit doing all that thinkin' and get on to the doin' part.  ;D
Title: Re: *****MADAM EMMA'S*****
Post by: kamulko on June 07, 2005, 06:21:09 PM
Hi, Madam! :D I read the Tarots for my friends but (you know) is almost impossible to read Tarot for myself: too self-influenced!!! So, the Italian Wizard ask for a little help to his American Friend Sorceress Emma:
casual numbers from the pages of a old book 11 and 15.

Thanks very much.  8)

Title: Re: *****MADAM EMMA'S*****
Post by: emma on June 07, 2005, 07:45:33 PM
Madam Emma did much meditation before looking at the cards for a fellow reader-Kamulko- (in fact Madam almost skipped town with the $$).   ;D

(http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v471/freethink/Cups7.gif)     (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v471/freethink/9TheHermit.gif)

Your first card is the 7 of Cups.  You may be interested in many ideas and activities. You could get involved with many adventures.  Therefore you will have many choices. Yet perhaps many of these activities and ideas are mere daydreams. The imagination can run wild with so many possibilities and make it hard to settle and make anything productive. 

The second card that appeared for you is The Hermit.  This is the " I Analyze" card. It is a major card of the Tarot and therefore powerful.  Perhaps you will quiet yourself, look inward and focus after the scattering of the 7 of Cups.  This card throws light and offers a period of reflection.  A friend or mentor may also advise you and help you clarify what you really want to accomplish.  Think before you act but do not become paralyzed in thinking you do not have enough information to proceed.

May you continue to bring many topics and fun ideas to the forum.  :)
Title: Re: *****MADAM EMMA'S*****
Post by: Hopismum on June 07, 2005, 07:49:39 PM
hi Emma  :)   Im back .. for a little bit at least  :)

Howz about 14 and 2?
Title: Re: *****MADAM EMMA'S*****
Post by: polonus on June 07, 2005, 08:21:03 PM
Hi Bears,

I give you 15 and 22. How about that?  I thinks the cards are only showing possibilities, what the stream of life  has in store for you, you decide. "Go with the flow", bears, as always.

greets to the bears,

Title: Re: *****MADAM EMMA'S*****
Post by: emma on June 07, 2005, 09:43:14 PM
Hi Bears,
 "Go with the flow", bears, as always.

This little (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v471/freethink/bearhoney2.gif)is going with the flow.

I agree about fortunes etc..  We all make life what it is. We all have choices. Even when we don't choose......that becomes a choice. :P
I like the meanings of the Tarot Cards because it makes me think.  It makes me realize I am in command to do as I chose with what life gives me.

I guess my philosophy in life is:  I seek no meaning for my life.  I CREATE IT! 

I hope I am creating a little fun for some. (and I am going to create a very nice reading for you )  ;)
Title: Re: *****MADAM EMMA'S*****
Post by: FreewheelinFrank on June 07, 2005, 09:52:07 PM
Old Albert Einstein said that there is no such thing as free will: the past, the present and the future all exist now. The moment is an illusion, and what we were and what we are going to be are equally as real. Given this, how can we think that we have any choice when we have already lived it as much as we have lived our past?

God, quantum physics does my head in. I'm off for a large drink!
Title: Re: *****MADAM EMMA'S*****
Post by: emma on June 07, 2005, 10:02:20 PM
And you, Frank, are going to get a reading whether you asked for one or not!!  ;D
You most definitely will have NO CHOICE in that. :'(

AND since all the GOOD cards are almost already taken ..... ..then you really will need that drink!!!
Title: Re: *****MADAM EMMA'S*****
Post by: emma on June 07, 2005, 11:12:41 PM
(http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v471/freethink/Sword10.gif)      (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v471/freethink/8Strength.gif)
Connie,your first card is the 10 of Swords.  Looking at it you may be thinking it certainly is a not so nice a looking card..someone lying there..stabbed in the back.  But the Tarot really holds no Bad cards.  They only hold ideas, feelings, attitudes that perhaps when applied to our life situation can help us to understand or to act. While the reader does not know the client's situation, he can help interpret the card.  It tells you that things have bottomed out.  Things are at their lowest point.  The pits have been reached.  Perhaps things can never be the same, but there is no more you can do.  Heartbreak has come but the 10 signifies an end of a situation.  The worst is known. The card can even give a feeling of relief.

The second card is Strength.  (First, let me tell you how much I personally like this card.  I wish I could have all of its qualities.) Whatever has happened-has happened, whatever will happen, you can endure.  Deal calmly with frustration, maintain composure. That inner strength, perseverance, resolve and  composure can take you through any challenge.  You really can look the dragon in the eye and accept him.  Let him in. Acknowledge him. If you fight he only becomes stronger.
This is not a card of physical strength but of mind over matter.  But it is also an active card, not emotions, but determined action.
Growl like a Grisly and accept like a Teddy.
Title: Re: *****MADAM EMMA'S*****
Post by: emma on June 08, 2005, 03:17:00 AM
Two Pentacles cards appeared for you, Polonus.  Pentacles are the earth cards.
(http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v471/freethink/KingofPentacles.gif)      (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v471/freethink/Pentacles6.gif)

The King of Pentacles is a workaholic. He makes each adventure successful.  Opportunities appear everywhere. He has a steady temperament but might be unforgiving if someone violates his trust. This card offers you a great deal of energy and challenges you to build, build, build.
The 6 of Pentacles tells you you are blessed with the bounty of life. But perhaps you may find that getting what you need is not the same as getting what you want.  Now that you have resources be generous and share. Sharing of material wealth may not always be best. Think of yourself as someone who can aid others in developing their talents.  The best investment you can make is awaking other's natural abilities.  Share your skills as well as your wealth. Give back and be thankful for what you have.
You seem to have already done this by giving much help in the Forum. :)
Title: Re: *****MADAM EMMA'S*****
Post by: polonus on June 08, 2005, 07:50:56 PM
Hi Emma,

Thank you Emma. I recognize things here. But what I also experience as a Capricorn is the influence of Saturn in my life, I get where I want to go, but at what a cost, and being held at the threshold all the time, is frustrating too. But I think this year or next, my plans will land at a willing ear, and I may get where I want to go. I like it here on the forum, and I'll give it what I got.
Have a nice day and stay virus-free anyway,


PS You can train a cat to do anything now-a-days.
Title: Re: *****MADAM EMMA'S*****
Post by: emma on June 08, 2005, 09:36:11 PM
And you, Frank, are going to get a reading whether you asked for one or not!!  ;D

Madam is Feeling Faint and Feverish.  Madam is Feeling Featherbrained.  Madam will Focus in her crystal ball to Find Further Facts.
Madam Fancies she sees the letters E=mc2.  These letters Fade and the letters "FF" Flicker to the Forefront.  What can this Forebode?  What do the Familiar Letters "FF" Foretell?

Madam Fathoms she sees a Foreigner Floundering in the ball.  It is a Funny Figure all Fitted in black and Flip Flopping along with a Flask.  Could this be a False Friend?  No, that is a Far-Fetched Feeling.  This Flim Flam Flap-a-doodle is now Flinging his Flip Flapping Foot into his mouth.

Madam needs Finesse to Figure this out.  Madam Fetches her Flimsy cards of Fortune.  Madam is all a Flutter as she Flawlessly Fingers the Flippin' Tarot cards.
Madam is a very Fussy, Finicky Female (Flighty and Flirty too.  Some might also say a bit Flakey).  She Fixes to give a First-rate Forecast with much Foresight.  She will not Fret, nor will she be Feeble or Flustered.

The card Madam draws is the 0 card.  It is THE FOOL
(http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v471/freethink/0Fool.gif)He is a carefree fellow, living for the moment, doing the unexpected, feeling uninhibited and loving new adventures. Sometimes he is unpredictable. The Fool may rush to the edge with no fear, because he has total confidence in himself. He carries a pouch on a stick.  It contains all the tools he needs for a successful life.
 "The Fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a Fool." William Shakespeare
Madam has been Fruitful.  She now knows the Funny Figure in the crystal ball is Foolish Frank.

If you want to use the First-rate tools in FF's pouch
 FROLIC HERE  (http://www.geocities.com/dontsurfinthenude/blog.htm)
Title: Re: *****MADAM EMMA'S*****
Post by: kamulko on June 09, 2005, 12:02:45 AM
Thank you very much for your round of Tarot, Emma... Your eyes are watching in the deep.  ;)
Title: Re: *****MADAM EMMA'S*****
Post by: FreewheelinFrank on June 09, 2005, 11:13:58 AM
Shakespeare also said:

This fellow's wise enough to play the fool,
And to do that well craves a kind of wit.
Twelfth Night, 3. 1

But then somebody else said:

He may look like an idiot and talk like an idiot but don't let that fool you. He really is an idiot.
Groucho Marx

Where does the truth lie, Madam Emma? No doubt somewhere in between.

I make no futher comment lest I open my big mouth and put my foot in it.
Title: Re: *****MADAM EMMA'S*****
Post by: emma on June 09, 2005, 04:21:08 PM
Madam Emma is moving on. She is no Fool.  She knows when the goose will lay no more golden eggs.  She knows Zero is sometimes better than nothing.

Madam Emma thanks her many clients for their indulgence, tolerance and bravery. Madam Emma did notice there were several hovering about who were tempted to enter Madam Emma's.  Alas they never did.  Madam Emma had even prepared a nice little reading for them.  Those words of advice will forever remain unknown.   (What a waste! Hey folks, this is hard work!!.)  ;D

Madam leaves you now with words of wisdom that have ever been the secret of her success.

 ENTER HERE  (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v471/freethink/Success.gif) for Madam's Final Words   :-* :-*
Title: Re: *****MADAM EMMA'S*****
Post by: bob3160 on June 09, 2005, 05:17:17 PM
ENTER HERE for Madam's Final Words
If that doesn't work, you could always try THIS (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v190/bob3160/Off%20-Topic%20Forum/MonkeyBusiness.jpg)
Title: Re: *****MADAM EMMA'S*****
Post by: emma on June 09, 2005, 05:22:50 PM
Yeah, Bob we tried that a couple months ago.  ::)
Guess Monkeys are your  HANG UPs
Title: Re: *****MADAM EMMA'S*****
Post by: bob3160 on June 09, 2005, 10:17:44 PM
No Emma
Guess Monkeys are your  HANG UPs
Only Monkey Business. ;D ;D