Avast WEBforum

Other => General Topics => Topic started by: licuorize on February 11, 2008, 02:19:19 PM

Title: Avast (in Vista) unable to scan essential files from c:\
Post by: licuorize on February 11, 2008, 02:19:19 PM
Hello there,

I need a hero for my computer!

Got a big problem here. I installed Avast in Windows Vista. By defect Norton Antivirus came 'compulsorily' and I only managed to get rid of it by going to the registry and deleting any file called 'Norton' or 'Symantec'. I thought it was the Norton antivirus the one that wasn't allowing me to access the files to be scanned by avast but once I deleted all Norton files the problem was still there. This is what happens:

1st. I select to do a system scan.

2nd. The scan finishes and a window opens up showing the following:

                 File                                                                                                 Result                                                       

            C:\Documents & Settings                                                            Unable to scan: The system cannot find the path specified
            C:\ProgramData\Application Data                                                  Unable to scan: The system cannot find the path specified
            C:\ProgramData\Desktop                                                             Unable to scan: The system cannot find the path specified
            C:\ProgramData\Documents                                                         Unable to scan: The system cannot find the path specified
            C:\ProgramData\Favorites                                                            Unable to scan: The system cannot find the path specified
            C:\ProgramData\Start Menu                                                         Unable to scan: The system cannot find the path specified
            C:\ProgramData\Templates                                                           Unable to scan: The system cannot find the path specified
            C:\Users\All Users                                                                       Unable to scan: The system cannot find the path specified
            C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Application Data                              Unable to scan: The system cannot find the path specified
            C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\History                                          Unable to scan: The system cannot find the path specified
            C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Temporary Internet Files                   Unable to scan: The system cannot find the path specified
            C:\Users\Default\Application Data                                                  Unable to scan: The system cannot find the path specified
            C:\Users\Default\Cookies                                                              Unable to scan: The system cannot find the path specified
            C:\Users\Default\Documents\My Music                                            Unable to scan: The system cannot find the path specified
            C:\Users\Default\Documents\My Pictures                                         Unable to scan: The system cannot find the path specified
            C:\Users\Default\Documents\My Videos                                           Unable to scan: The system cannot find the path specified
            C:\Users\Default\Local Settings                                                     Unable to scan: The system cannot find the path specified
            C:\Users\Default\My Documents                                                     Unable to scan: The system cannot find the path specified
            C:\Users\Default\Net Hood                                                            Unable to scan: The system cannot find the path specified
            C:\Users\Default\Print Hood                                                          Unable to scan: The system cannot find the path specified
            C:\Users\Default\Recent                                                               Unable to scan: The system cannot find the path specified
            C:\Users\Default\Send To                                                             Unable to scan: The system cannot find the path specified
            C:\Users\Default\Start Menu                                                         Unable to scan: The system cannot find the path specified
            C:\Users\Default\Templates                                                          Unable to scan: The system cannot find the path specified
            C:\Users\Default User                                                                  Unable to scan: The system cannot find the path specified
            C:\Users\Public\Documents\My Music                                              Unable to scan: The system cannot find the path specified
            C:\Users\Public\Documents\My Pictures                                           Unable to scan: The system cannot find the path specified
            C:\Users\Public\Documents\My Videos                                             Unable to scan: The system cannot find the path specified

3rd. I select all and right click to scan again

4th. A little window opens up and claims:

                        An error has occurred during the processing of 28 result(s)!

5th. I click OK and then all the previous list of files and results comes up like this:

                 File                                                                                                     Result                                                       

            C:\Documents & Settings                                                            Unable to scan: Access is denied
            C:\ProgramData\Application Data                                                  Unable to scan: Access is denied
            C:\ProgramData\Desktop                                                             Unable to scan: Access is denied
            C:\ProgramData\Documents                                                         Unable to scan: Access is denied
            C:\ProgramData\Favorites                                                            Unable to scan: Access is denied
            C:\ProgramData\Start Menu                                                         Unable to scan: Access is denied
            C:\ProgramData\Templates                                                           Unable to scan: Access is denied
            C:\Users\All Users                                                                       Unable to scan: Access is denied
            C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Application Data                              Unable to scan: Access is denied
            C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\History                                          Unable to scan: Access is denied
            C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Temporary Internet Files                   Unable to scan: Access is denied
            C:\Users\Default\Application Data                                                  Unable to scan: Access is denied
            C:\Users\Default\Cookies                                                              Unable to scan: Access is denied
            C:\Users\Default\Documents\My Music                                            Unable to scan: Access is denied
            C:\Users\Default\Documents\My Pictures                                         Unable to scan: Access is denied
            C:\Users\Default\Documents\My Videos                                           Unable to scan: Access is denied
            C:\Users\Default\Local Settings                                                     Unable to scan: Access is denied
            C:\Users\Default\My Documents                                                     Unable to scan: Access is denied
            C:\Users\Default\Net Hood                                                            Unable to scan: Access is denied
            C:\Users\Default\Print Hood                                                          Unable to scan: Access is denied
            C:\Users\Default\Recent                                                               Unable to scan: Access is denied
            C:\Users\Default\Send To                                                             Unable to scan: Access is denied
            C:\Users\Default\Start Menu                                                         Unable to scan: Access is denied
            C:\Users\Default\Templates                                                          Unable to scan: Access is denied
            C:\Users\Default User                                                                  Unable to scan: Access is denied
            C:\Users\Public\Documents\My Music                                              Unable to scan: Access is denied
            C:\Users\Public\Documents\My Pictures                                           Unable to scan: Access is denied
            C:\Users\Public\Documents\My Videos                                             Unable to scan: Access is denied

6th. I get stuck here! :-\

Please any ideas on how to unblock this and get access to scan this very important files???????

Thank you!

Title: Re: Avast (in Vista) unable to scan essential files from c:\
Post by: DavidR on February 11, 2008, 03:06:08 PM
Norton can be a pig to remove.
A link worth looking at, which is a program removal tool that can remove the remnants of a number of different Norton Programs:
Removing your Norton program using SymNRT (http://service1.symantec.com/SUPPORT/tsgeninfo.nsf/docid/2005033108162039)
Title: Re: Avast (in Vista) unable to scan essential files from c:\
Post by: swanny on April 12, 2008, 04:41:25 PM
I have had the same problem; I used the Norton Removal tool suggested by DavidR.  Still having the same problem!!!  Can anyone advise?  Has Licourize found any answers to the problem?
Title: Re: Avast (in Vista) unable to scan essential files from c:\
Post by: DavidR on April 12, 2008, 05:45:52 PM
avast can do nothing about files that access is denied for, what we have to find is why they might not be scanned.

You don't give any examples of the files and locations, etc. ?

I don't think the problem is specifically Norton remnants, but it is wise to have run the tool in any case.
Title: Re: Avast (in Vista) unable to scan essential files from c:\
Post by: Lisandro on April 13, 2008, 12:26:32 AM
I have had the same problem; I used the Norton Removal tool suggested by DavidR.  Still having the same problem!!!
Which one?
This one...
Code: [Select]
Unable to scan: The system cannot find the path specifiedseems to be related to symbolic links on Vista. They're normal and ok.
The others, no-access, they could be the problem.
Title: Re: Avast (in Vista) unable to scan essential files from c:\
Post by: jisuna23 on April 18, 2008, 04:42:44 PM
I have the same problem... i don't know why... maybe because of Avira... i'm using both,,, Avira and Avast! :(
Title: Re: Avast (in Vista) unable to scan essential files from c:\
Post by: Lisandro on April 18, 2008, 04:47:21 PM
I have the same problem... i don't know why... maybe because of Avira... i'm using both,,, Avira and Avast! :(
Well... both antivirus aren't compatible, sooner or later problems. Disable is not enough.
Title: Re: Avast (in Vista) unable to scan essential files from c:\
Post by: yellowdog23 on January 21, 2009, 12:33:03 PM
I have exactly the same problem as licourize had back in Feb 2008.

The problem is with the same 28 paths and they give the same "access is denied" when selected in the list and rescanned.

This is on a new Asus notebook with Vista Home Premium, and I removed (apparantly successfully) the pre-installed Norton before installing Avast.

I have removed and reinstalled Avast and made no difference.

If I use windows explorer (set to show system files) to try to expand these 28 paths, it gives an error. So Avast is behaving reasonably and the question is why other people are not getting these 28 paths reported.
Title: Re: Avast (in Vista) unable to scan essential files from c:\
Post by: Lisandro on January 21, 2009, 12:52:03 PM
yellowdog23, Vista uses circular links to %Program Files% and %Users% folders.
Avast is just reporting it. You can uncheck the options for reporting soft and hard errors on the avast settings.
It was a problem, already solved (http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=27330.msg223192#msg223192). Now, the only thing that rests is the reporting.