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Business Products => Avast Business => Avast Business for Linux => Topic started by: gumby6131 on January 04, 2011, 03:28:53 PM

Title: Error when moving file to chest - and positive - positives ???
Post by: gumby6131 on January 04, 2011, 03:28:53 PM
I use Ubuntu 10.04
I have to latest definitions installed (today)

Avast says I have a virus....Win32:Adloader-AC in pagefile.sys but I also read where that's a false positive.

I was under the impression that had been fixed?  Could the be a "Positive - Positive" ?


when moving a reportedly infected file to the Chest, I get an error saying something about error 22, Invalid argument

I saw a thread from 2005 where a bug had been reported and it was fixed....that was 6 years ago and I still get the same error in January of 2011

Thanks !
Title: Re: Error when moving file to chest - and positive - positives ???
Post by: Milos on January 04, 2011, 03:53:30 PM
ignore detections in pagefile.sys.

Title: Re: Error when moving file to chest - and positive - positives ???
Post by: Lisandro on November 16, 2011, 09:22:30 PM
Hello everyone
I am trying to set up boxee on my laptop,but when i try to install the software i get this error--libxmlrpc-c3 is not installed on your system.I am running ubuntu,on a 64 bit system,could someone please help me.

                                                                       thank you for all who help
Are you posting aleatory? What does this have anything related to this topic? ???