Avast WEBforum

Other => Viruses and worms => Topic started by: Yveline on June 15, 2012, 04:20:07 PM

Title: Stuck while fixing Smart repair
Post by: Yveline on June 15, 2012, 04:20:07 PM
Avast blocked an internet page saying a threat had been detected. Shortly afterwards, error messages started to appear, then a smart repair window scanning my PC and asking me to pay for fixing it, then the desktop became black with no icon and the start menu became blank every other time or so. The scan brought no result but avast still tells me there is a threat.

Cruising aroung with another computer, I slowly understood (I am far from being a pro) I got infected by smart repair that appears to be difficult to treat by various antivirus. Today, when I rebooted the computer, Avast updated and told me to run a scan right away.

Its result :
c:\programData\ge697PHqssaffz.exe infected par Win32 : Dropper-gen [Drp] (where I wrote 7 is actually a sign I don't know, close to 7 but the bottom part is vertical. Rest of the scan result
 Click on
1 Cancel
2 Cancel all
3 Quarantine
4 Quarantine all
5 Fix
6 Fix all
7 Ignore
8 Ignore all
I clicked on 5 to fix and got error 42060 (the file didn't get fixed).

At this point, I don't know what to do because I am paranoied of doing something wrong and I need to enter something to get further. Can somebody tell me what to do?


Title: Re: Stuck while fixing Smart repair
Post by: DavidR on June 15, 2012, 04:49:55 PM
The safest option would be to Quarantine as that at least leaves you other options, whilst Delete doesn't leave any.
Title: Re: Stuck while fixing Smart repair
Post by: Yveline on June 15, 2012, 05:39:22 PM
Thank you
I'll do that.
Title: Re: Stuck while fixing Smart repair
Post by: mikaelrask on June 15, 2012, 05:42:38 PM
Hey i would also recommend you do a scan with malware bytes anti malware witch is a good program to clean this kind of rough programs witch smart repair is.


good luck.
Title: Re: Stuck while fixing Smart repair
Post by: DavidR on June 15, 2012, 06:06:24 PM
Thank you
I'll do that.

You're welcome.
Title: Re: Stuck while fixing Smart repair
Post by: essexboy on June 15, 2012, 06:37:48 PM
Hi do you have the desktop and icons back ?

If not

Please attach:    All RKreport.txt text files located on your desktop.


Download OTL (http://oldtimer.geekstogo.com/OTL.exe)  to your Desktop

Title: Re: Stuck while fixing Smart repair
Post by: Yveline on June 15, 2012, 07:34:13 PM
Wow! You're faster than I am. Your post regarding  roguekiller was there before I had completed the process with malware byte. I was surprized it went fast since I read it took several hours. But, true, I went for the recommended quick scan. Should I go for the thourough scan?

Here is the report from malware byte. I saved it but don't know what to do with it.

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware www.malwarebytes.org Version of the database: v2012.06.15.07 Windows Vista x86 Service Pack 2 NTFS Internet Explorer 9.0.8112.16421 Rogine :: PC-DE-ROGINE [Administrator] 15/06/2012 18:31:10 mbam-log-2012-06-15 (19-12-54). txt Type: Full scan Scan options enabled: Memory | Start | Register | File System | Heuristic / Extra | Heuristic / Shuriken | PUP | PUM Scan options disabled: P2P Item (s) analyzed (s): 194581 Time elapsed: 5 minute (s), 37 second (s) Process memory detected (s): 0 (No malicious items detected) Module (s) detected memory (s): 0 (No malicious items detected) Key (s) detected the registry (s): 0 (No malicious items detected) Value (s) of the detected registry (s): 0 (No malicious items detected) Item (s) Memory Processes detected (s): 2 HKLM \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ Advanced | Start_ShowMyComputer (PUM.Hijack.StartMenu) -> Bad: (0) Good: (1) -> No action taken. HKLM \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ Advanced | Start_ShowSearch (PUM.Hijack.StartMenu) -> Bad: (0) Good: (1) -> No action taken. File (s) detected (s): 0 (No malicious items detected) File (s) detected (s): 0 (No malicious items detected) (end)

Regarding roguekiller, I have tried to download it but I got a red alert window that told me it might damage my computer. So I shied away. I had the same with pre_scan.
Title: Re: Stuck while fixing Smart repair
Post by: essexboy on June 15, 2012, 07:38:58 PM
The programme is safe otherwise I would not recommend it, if it is IE with the red alert then select Actions > Run anyway
If it is Avast then select run normally.

This programme should restore all your folders and icons and OTL will show me what remains  ;D
Title: Re: Stuck while fixing Smart repair
Post by: Yveline on June 15, 2012, 07:40:30 PM
Does the malware byte report tell you anything?
Title: Re: Stuck while fixing Smart repair
Post by: essexboy on June 15, 2012, 07:47:15 PM
It tells me that you may have a new variant as nothing was detected
Title: Re: Stuck while fixing Smart repair
Post by: Yveline on June 15, 2012, 07:59:15 PM
Weird! The screen (before clicking on save report) tells me they detected 2 malware PUM.hijack.start menu
I'll now proceed to do something about roguekiller.
Title: Re: Stuck while fixing Smart repair
Post by: essexboy on June 15, 2012, 08:03:32 PM
They were just some registry entries that may be either good or bad dependant on what they are used for (Potential Unwanted Modification)
Title: Re: Stuck while fixing Smart repair
Post by: Yveline on June 15, 2012, 08:24:59 PM
I completed the first part of  rogue killer and attached the 3 files you said. I also have a quarantine file that was not there before.
I am moving on to next step and trying to find what is that page that popped out (system check). Maybe it is what you said next step should be)
Title: Re: Stuck while fixing Smart repair
Post by: essexboy on June 15, 2012, 08:27:41 PM
OK there are all the files and folders back... Next OTL to remove what remains  ;D

RogueKiller V7.5.4 [07/06/2012] par Tigzy
mail: tigzyRK<at>gmail<dot>com
Remontees: http://www.sur-la-toile.com/discussion-193725-1-BRogueKillerD-Remontees.html
Blog: http://tigzyrk.blogspot.com

Systeme d'exploitation: Windows Vista (6.0.6002 Service Pack 2) 32 bits version
Demarrage : Mode normal
Utilisateur: Rogine [Droits d'admin]
Mode: Raccourcis RAZ -- Date: 15/06/2012 20:16:18

¤¤¤ Processus malicieux: 0 ¤¤¤

¤¤¤ Driver: [CHARGE] ¤¤¤

¤¤¤ Attributs de fichiers restaures: ¤¤¤
Bureau: Success 15 / Fail 0
Lancement rapide: Success 2 / Fail 0
Programmes: Success 3 / Fail 0
Menu demarrer: Success 30 / Fail 0
Dossier utilisateur: Success 4839 / Fail 0
Mes documents: Success 8695 / Fail 0
Mes favoris: Success 48 / Fail 0
Mes images: Success 552 / Fail 0
Ma musique: Success 2 / Fail 0
Mes videos: Success 3 / Fail 0
Disques locaux: Success 10562 / Fail 0
Sauvegarde: [FOUND] Success 0 / Fail 1

[C:] \Device\HarddiskVolume1 -- 0x3 --> Restored
[D:] \Device\HarddiskVolume2 -- 0x3 --> Restored
[E:] \Device\CdRom0 -- 0x5 --> Skipped
[F:] \Device\HarddiskVolume7 -- 0x2 --> Restored
[G:] \Device\HarddiskVolume3 -- 0x2 --> Restored
[H:] \Device\HarddiskVolume4 -- 0x2 --> Restored
[I:] \Device\HarddiskVolume5 -- 0x2 --> Restored
[J:] \Device\HarddiskVolume6 -- 0x2 --> Restored

¤¤¤ Infection : Rogue.FakeHDD ¤¤¤

Termine : << RKreport[3].txt >>
RKreport[1].txt ; RKreport[2].txt ; RKreport[3].txt

Title: Re: Stuck while fixing Smart repair
Post by: Yveline on June 15, 2012, 08:32:07 PM
Well, I went on with next step which was downloading OTL. I first had a red alert from smart screen telling me it could damage the computer but I did proceed, and once it was downloaded, my antivrus (avast) popped out saying it found it suspicious and ran it in "the sandbox". Should I keep going?
Title: Re: Stuck while fixing Smart repair
Post by: essexboy on June 15, 2012, 08:33:45 PM
Restart OTL and when Avast sandboxes, it in the drop down box select run as normal and tick the remember box.
Title: Re: Stuck while fixing Smart repair
Post by: Yveline on June 15, 2012, 09:16:05 PM
I had some trouble proceeding. Avast did want to run OTL in the sandbox and thge scan took a while.
Attached are both logs.
Title: Re: Stuck while fixing Smart repair
Post by: essexboy on June 15, 2012, 09:24:18 PM
OK lets now run this - once done could you let me know if you are having any problems

Warning This fix is only relevant for this system and no other, using on another computer may cause problems

Be advised that when the fix commences it will shut down all running processes and you may lose the desktop and icons, they will return on reboot

Title: Re: Stuck while fixing Smart repair
Post by: Yveline on June 15, 2012, 10:27:20 PM
Here are the logs. I can see no additional file compared to last time but I can see these files got modified. So, I assume the new logs are on them.

Now, the icons came back on the desktop and the start menu is populated again (don't know yet if everything is there) but the desktop is still black.

Title: Re: Stuck while fixing Smart repair
Post by: essexboy on June 15, 2012, 10:30:22 PM
Whilst I look at the log, right click on the desktop and select personalise
Select a new background .. Does it change ?
Title: Re: Stuck while fixing Smart repair
Post by: essexboy on June 15, 2012, 10:33:47 PM
There are a few Norton drivers left.. If you wish I can remove them for you

Otherwise that looks good 
Title: Re: Stuck while fixing Smart repair
Post by: Yveline on June 15, 2012, 10:37:38 PM
Yes, the desktop looks right after doing what you said.
And if the Norton drivers are not necessary, might as well remove them
Title: Re: Stuck while fixing Smart repair
Post by: essexboy on June 15, 2012, 10:45:24 PM
OK they be gone  ;D  Is the system behaving itself now ?

Warning This fix is only relevant for this system and no other, using on another computer may cause problems

Be advised that when the fix commences it will shut down all running processes and you may lose the desktop and icons, they will return on reboot

Title: Re: Stuck while fixing Smart repair
Post by: Yveline on June 15, 2012, 10:47:50 PM
I am going to run OTL like you said.
Apparently, the screen look fine at the moment, but of course, I have not used it yet, since I was busy with OTL etc.
Title: Re: Stuck while fixing Smart repair
Post by: essexboy on June 15, 2012, 10:51:16 PM
OK once you have rebooted  have a little play with the computer to see that all is working as it should... Then once you are happy I will remove my tools and tidy up
Title: Re: Stuck while fixing Smart repair
Post by: Yveline on June 15, 2012, 11:12:46 PM
After running OTL with the code you gave, I just checked my mail and quickly googled. The PC looks FINE. What can I say?  THANK YOU. You cannot imagine how tense I have been all day trying to understand what was what and doing things beyond my skills.
When you talk about removing your tools, is it about removing antimalware byte, rogue killer, OTL and their logs? I was about to ask what to do about them.
Besides, I have something that's popping up the file XYZ (long name, exactly the one avast told me was a threat) has been modified or moved. This shortcut doesn't work properly any longer. Do you want to cancel it. Is it the right time to cancel it?
Title: Re: Stuck while fixing Smart repair
Post by: essexboy on June 15, 2012, 11:25:08 PM
OK I can see it I missed two - this should clear it

Warning This fix is only relevant for this system and no other, using on another computer may cause problems

Be advised that when the fix commences it will shut down all running processes and you may lose the desktop and icons, they will return on reboot

Title: Re: Stuck while fixing Smart repair
Post by: Yveline on June 15, 2012, 11:47:27 PM
Here is the new log.
Title: Re: Stuck while fixing Smart repair
Post by: essexboy on June 16, 2012, 01:54:44 PM
Could you confirm that the error has now gone
Title: Re: Stuck while fixing Smart repair
Post by: Yveline on June 16, 2012, 02:07:37 PM
Yes, the error has gone.
Title: Re: Stuck while fixing Smart repair
Post by: Yveline on June 16, 2012, 02:24:53 PM
Ah, j'oubliais... J'ai remarqué que la ligne "documents récents" du menu démarrer a disparu. Ce n'est pas fondamental, mais il y a peut-être des choses comme cela à droite et à gauche que je découvrirai au fur et à mesure.
Title: Re: Stuck while fixing Smart repair
Post by: essexboy on June 16, 2012, 02:27:48 PM
Ok I will look for a fix for that
Title: Re: Stuck while fixing Smart repair
Post by: essexboy on June 16, 2012, 02:30:31 PM
Have a look here http://www.vistax64.com/tutorials/148461-personal-user-folder-restore-missing-folder.html
Title: Re: Stuck while fixing Smart repair
Post by: Yveline on June 16, 2012, 04:01:14 PM
J'ai essayé avec cette page, mais cela n'a rien donné.
Par contre, j'ai essayé une autre manipulation (merci le résultat google à une recherche sur le sujet) en cliquant droit sur barre des tâches et en papouillant sur une fenêtre relative au menu démarrer. La ligne document récents est réapparue tout comme les lignes "réseau" et "connection". Je n'avais pas encore réalisé qu'elles manquaient mais je trouvais que c'était un peu clairsemé dans ce coin-là.
Title: Re: Stuck while fixing Smart repair
Post by: essexboy on June 16, 2012, 05:15:43 PM
Any further problems ?
Title: Re: Stuck while fixing Smart repair
Post by: Yveline on June 16, 2012, 11:43:58 PM
Can I delete the stuff that came with getting rid of the virus?
- Roguekiller; antimalwarebyte and OTL
- logs that now sit on the desktop as well as a quarantine file from roguekiller
- I also saw in a subfolder a number of files starting with "reg". I don't think they were there before.
Title: Re: Stuck while fixing Smart repair
Post by: Pondus on June 16, 2012, 11:46:36 PM
essexboy will remove the tools used when he is done....so check back tomorrow.  ;)
Title: Re: Stuck while fixing Smart repair
Post by: essexboy on June 17, 2012, 12:13:48 AM
Subject to no further problems   :)

I will remove my tools now and give some recommendations, but, I would like you to run for 24 hours or so and come back if you have any problems 

Now the best part of the day ----- Your log now appears clean  :thumbsup:

A good workman always cleans up after himself so..The following will implement some cleanup procedures as well as reset  System Restore points:

Run OTLRun OTL and hit the cleanup button.  It will remove all the programmes we have used plus itself. 

We will now confirm that your hidden files are set to that, as some of the tools I use will change that
Your Java is out of date. Older versions have vulnerabilities that malware can use to infect your system.
Please follow these steps to remove older version of Java components and upgrade the application.

 Upgrading Java:

To manually create a new Restore Point
 Now we can purge the infected ones
Now that you are clean, to help protect your computer in the future I recommend that you get the following free programmes:
Malwarebytes (http://www.malwarebytes.org/mbam-download.php).  Update and run weekly to keep your system clean

Download and install FileHippo update checker (http://www.filehippo.com/updatechecker/) and run it monthly it will show you which programmes on your system need updating and give a download link

It is critical to have both a firewall and anti virus to protect your system and to keep them updated. To keep your operating system up to date visit
To learn more about how to protect yourself while on the internet read our little guide  How did I get infected in the first place ? (http://www.geekstogo.com/forum/topic/225044-preventing-malware-and-safe-computing/)

Keep safe  :wave:
Title: Re: Stuck while fixing Smart repair
Post by: Yveline on June 17, 2012, 03:31:45 PM
I just did good part of what you said:
- I ran OTL. A log popped out when it was done, but I couldn't locate it after I had to reboot. I notice I still have the shortcut to OTL on the desktop as well as under C:\. I still have the roguekiller reports and quarantine folder on the desktop
- I upgraded Java. I was surprized you said it was out of date as I have automatic updates and proceed when I am told
- I downloaded  malwarebytes at the beginning of the struggle. From what you said, I understand I should keep it and run it weekly. As I am far from being a geek, I am always shy about such downloads/set ups as I hear about conflicts and don't know point one about these. So, Malwarebytes will be living OK with Avast + whatever security comes with windows vista?
- you tell me to download FileHippo update checker. Windows automatic updates is activated and brings in new stuff regularly. What more will that update checker do? (Feel free to laugh if that is obvious to you)
- you say it is critical to have a firewall and antivirus and keep them updated. I thought I had. Avast is updating constantly and when I click on windows security center, I can see: firewall, automatic updates, anti malware protection, more security, all green and activated.
Title: Re: Stuck while fixing Smart repair
Post by: essexboy on June 17, 2012, 04:19:01 PM
ran OTL. A log popped out when it was done, but I couldn't locate it after I had to reboot. I notice I still have the shortcut to OTL on the desktop as well as under C:\. I still have the roguekiller reports and quarantine folder on the desktop
Re-run OTL and then hit the cleanup button to do the final removal

I upgraded Java. I was surprized you said it was out of date as I have automatic updates and proceed when I am told
The autoupdater is sometimes a tad slow

I downloaded  malwarebytes at the beginning of the struggle. From what you said, I understand I should keep it and run it weekly. As I am far from being a geek, I am always shy about such downloads/set ups as I hear about conflicts and don't know point one about these. So, Malwarebytes will be living OK with Avast + whatever security comes with windows vista?
MBAM works quite happily with Avast as they have different areas of responsibility

you tell me to download FileHippo update checker. Windows automatic updates is activated and brings in new stuff regularly. What more will that update checker do? (Feel free to laugh if that is obvious to you)
This programme will tell you when any non-windows programmes have an update available for download... e.g. Notepad++

you say it is critical to have a firewall and antivirus and keep them updated. I thought I had. Avast is updating constantly and when I click on windows security center, I can see: firewall, automatic updates, anti malware protection, more security, all green and activated.
This is a generic warning for those that are not so savvy and need prompting..  So I add to all my cleanup processes.. Nothing more than that
Title: Re: Stuck while fixing Smart repair
Post by: Yveline on June 17, 2012, 11:26:08 PM
I ran OTL again. This time, OTL has disappeared from the download folder and I cannot see it any longer under C:\ . The OTL shortcut on the desktop doesn't work any longer (this, I know I can safely delete). I still have on the desktop 3 RK report + 1 quarantine folder + 1 Malwarebyte log.

Thank you for the answer regarding the file hippo update checker. To make sure : will it live happy with the windows updater?

Besides, I periodically run  CCleaner (from a previous computer, I learnt you should do computer cleaning as you do house cleaning) ( ;). Each time, I see CCleaner can fix registry as well. On one hand, I hear that registry is touchy matter and only skilled people should deal with it. On another hand, I hear that over time, havoc builds up in the registry and it not good for the computer. Is using  CCleaner "fix registry" a safe part of good maintenance or should I keep on keeping away from it? (Hopefully you won't tell me to download and update regularly one more software!)

Title: Re: Stuck while fixing Smart repair
Post by: essexboy on June 18, 2012, 04:25:40 PM
Just delete the RK logs from the desktop..  I guess the naming has changed so OT will need to update the cleaning routines

From my perspective, registry cleaning is a total waste of time and it can be dangerous...  There is no performance affect in having an untidy registry ... Unless you can see milliseconds differences in booting  ;D
Title: Re: Stuck while fixing Smart repair
Post by: Yveline on June 19, 2012, 10:36:07 PM
I did delete the logs and made note of your answer regarding fix registry.
Title: Re: Stuck while fixing Smart repair
Post by: essexboy on June 19, 2012, 10:39:12 PM
My pleasure keep safe  ;D