Avast WEBforum

Other => General Topics => Topic started by: REDACTED on October 13, 2015, 02:19:00 PM

Title: Problemas para acessar o meu site
Post by: REDACTED on October 13, 2015, 02:19:00 PM
Toda vez que entro no meu site onde o link é http://quednaudesign.com.br o avast bloqueia. eu queria que isso nao acontecesse mais. tem como?
Title: Re: Problemas para acessar o meu site
Post by: CraigB on October 13, 2015, 02:28:08 PM
English please or use the Portuguese language board https://forum.avast.com/index.php?board=27.0
Title: Re: Problemas para acessar o meu site
Post by: jefferson sant on October 17, 2015, 12:31:18 AM

Boa noite Yago Quednau

O site  esta na lista negra informado pelo Quttera.


Code: [Select]

x< body style='color: transparent;background-color: black'> < center> < h1> < b style='color: white'> Hacked by NG689Skw < br> < p style='color: transparent'>

Foi mostrado aqui



IP esta na Blacklist

Endereço IP está listado na CBL. Ele mostra sinais de estar infectado com um trojan envio de spam, link malicioso ou alguma outra forma de botnet.
hospedeiro neste endereço IP está infectado com CryptPHP malware.


Title: Re: Problemas para acessar o meu site
Post by: polonus on October 17, 2015, 01:20:22 AM
PHP version on website is vulnerable. See the various vulnerabilities for the PHP version that is used:
This had been defaced with malicious PHP content: wp-content/plugins/revslider/rs-plugin/css/captions.css?ver=4.3.1
- it is possible for an attacker to read your wp-config.php and find your database credentials, which may allow them to compromise your site’s database. We don’t allow random IP addresses to connect directly to your database, but that may not prevent someone from finding a way to use database info to connect to your DB.

Seems now cleansed: -http://quednaudesign.com.br/wp-content/plugins/revslider/rs-plugin/js/jquery.themepunch.revolution.min.js?ver=4.3.1
200 OK
Content-Length: 83792
Content-Type: application/javascript

WP Plug-in vulnerabilities can be checked with this: https://wordpress.org/plugins/plugin-vulnerabilities/
Rendering issues:
Render blocking resources

The elements below are blocking the “above the fold” rendering.
The javascript files below are blocking the rendering.
-http://quednaudesign.com.br/.. /jquery.js?ver=1.11.3
-http://quednaudesign.com.br/.. /jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.2.1
-http://quednaudesign.com.br/.. /jquery.themepunch.revolution.min.js?ver=...
-http://quednaudesign.com.br/.. /jquery.form.min.js?ver=3.51.0-2014.06.20...
-http://quednaudesign.com.br/.. /scripts.js?ver=4.3
-http://quednaudesign.com.br/.. /add-to-cart.min.js?ver=2.4.7
-http://quednaudesign.com.br/.. /select2.min.js?ver=3.5.2
-http://quednaudesign.com.br/.. /jquery.blockUI.min.js?ver=2.70
-http://quednaudesign.com.br/.. /woocommerce.min.js?ver=2.4.7
-http://quednaudesign.com.br/.. /jquery.cookie.min.js?ver=1.4.1
-http://quednaudesign.com.br/.. /cart-fragments.min.js?ver=2.4.7
-http://quednaudesign.com.br/.. /common.js?ver=
-http://quednaudesign.com.br/.. /modernizr-2.6.2-respond-1.1.0.min.js?ver...
-http://quednaudesign.com.br/.. /noconflict.js?ver=
-http://quednaudesign.com.br/.. /webfont.js?ver=
-http://quednaudesign.com.br/.. /jquery.prettyPhoto.js?ver=
-http://quednaudesign.com.br/.. /extensions.js?ver=
-http://quednaudesign.com.br/.. /woocommerce.js?ver=
-http://quednaudesign.com.br/.. /comment-reply.min.js?ver=4.3.1
-http://quednaudesign.com.br/.. /queryloader2.js?ver=
-http://quednaudesign.com.br/.. /waypoints.min.js?ver=
-http://quednaudesign.com.br/.. /waypoints-sticky.js?ver=
-http://quednaudesign.com.br/.. /jquery.smoothscroll.js?ver=
-http://quednaudesign.com.br/.. /jquery.flexslider.js?ver=
-http://quednaudesign.com.br/.. /jquery.viewport.mini.js?ver=
-http://quednaudesign.com.br/.. /jquery.validationEngine-pt.js?ver=2.6.19...
-http://quednaudesign.com.br/.. /jquery.validationEngine.js?ver=2.6.19
-http://quednaudesign.com.br/.. /front-subscribers.js?ver=2.6.19
You can save 25.1KB (6% compression) on the analysed URL by minifying the javascript files, CSS, etc.
The browser cache have not set correctly for all elements.

polonus (volunteer website security analyst and website error-hunter)