[AAVM] | | AAVM section (continued) |
Msg Group | | This group of values to change the colors of the info messages were built by Igor and will be supported only in the next build of avast (they are not supported right now (build 4.1.396), so we have to wait for the next program update). All the colors are entered as a number. If you have the color expressed as RGB, each component in the range 0..255, the formula for the color number is color = 65536*B + 256*G + R. In other words, the color is expressed as a decimal number whose hexadecimal representation is 00BBGGRR. Note: no checking is performed on the entered values, so using them is on your own risk. I believe that the worst that can happen is that you won't see anything (e.g. when using a black text on a black background), but I warned you. Unfortunatelly, it's not possible to test the colors anyhow (so you'll have to rely on your guesses). For the changes in the ini file to take effect, a reboot is required (or at least restart of ashDisp.exe on WinNT/2k/XP). If any of the values is not present in the ini file (which is the default), the default values are used by the pro-gram. |
MaxMessages | 10 | Number of lines of the messages. |
ShowTime | 4 | Time (in seconds) of the duration of all the on-access scanner screen messages (email, News, Web Shield, Standard Shield, etc.)( |
TagDontShowNextTime | 0 | |
| | The values for the messages (e.g. the items displayed when Show detailed info on performed action) are described bellow: |
MsgTitleBkgColor1 | empty | Initial color of the titlebar background |
MsgTitleBkgColor2 | empty | Final color of the titlebar background (a gradient is formed: initial color... final color) |
MsgTitleTextColor | empty | Color of the titlebar text |
MsgInfoBkgColor | empty | Color of the message background (simple info message) |
MsgInfoTextColor | empty | Color of the message text (simple info message) |
MsgHighBkgColor | empty | Color of the message background (high priority message) |
MsgHighTextColor | empty | Color of the message text (high priority message) |
MsgFatalBkgColor | empty | Color of the message background (fatal error) |
MsgFatalTextColor | empty | Color of the message text (fatal error) |
MsgFontSize | empty | Font size for the usual messages |
| | The values for the Info screens (e.g. the blue square saying that Program update is available) are described bellow: |
InfoEmergencyTitleBkgColor1 | empty | Initial color of the background for emergency messages |
InfoEmergencyTitleBkgColor2 | empty | Final color of the background for emergency messages |
InfoEmergencyTextColor | empty | Text color for emergency messages |
InfoNormalTitleBkgColor1 | empty | Initial color of the background for normal messages |
InfoNormalTitleBkgColor2 | empty | Final color of the background for normal messages |
InfoNormalTextColor | empty | Text color for normal messages |
InfoTitleColor | empty | Title text color |
InfoFontSize | empty | Font size for the Info screens |
InfoTitleFontSize | empty | Font size for the Info screens titles
An example: to set the titlebar text color of the Show detailed info on performed action messages to green, use MsgTitleTextColor=65280.
When green is 000 255 000, the formula says color = 65536*B + 256*G + R = 65536*000 + 256*255 + 000 = 65280. So, for "pure colors" it's Red = 255, Green = 65280 and Blue = 16711680.
Igor's default avast settings: after some digging in avast! sourceshere are the default values of the AAVM message colors. When I checked them, I discovered some errors in the "high priority" and "fatal" messages (the colors were read from an incorrect key) - it will be fixed in the next version. Note that the default colors may change in the future (unlikely, I'd say, but possible).
MsgTitleBkgColor1: RGB(0, 84, 227) MsgTitleBkgColor2: RGB(61, 149, 255) MsgTitleTextColor: RGB(255, 255, 255) MsgInfoBkgColor: GetSysColor(COLOR_INFOBK) MsgInfoTextColor: GetSysColor(COLOR_INFOTEXT) MsgHighBkgColor: RGB(0, 0, 0) MsgHighTextColor: RGB(255, 255, 255) MsgFatalBkgColor: RGB(255, 255, 0) MsgFatalTextColor: RGB(255, 0, 0)
InfoEmergencyTitleBkgColor1: RGB(200, 0, 0) InfoEmergencyTitleBkgColor2: RGB(255, 0, 0) InfoEmergencyTextColor: RGB(255, 255, 140) InfoNormalTitleBkgColor1: RGB(0, 84, 227) InfoNormalTitleBkgColor2: RGB(61, 149, 255) InfoNormalTextColor: RGB(160, 255, 255) InfoTitleColor: RGB(255, 255, 255)
S.Z.Craftec’s example:
MsgTitleBkgColor1=10240 (dark green) MsgTitleBkgColor2=65280 (green) MsgTitleTextColor=16777215 (white) MsgInfoBkgColor=11862015 (light yellow) MsgInfoTextColor=0 (black) MsgHighBkgColor=65535 (yellow) MsgHighTextColor=0 (black) MsgFatalBkgColor=255 (red) MsgFatalTextColor=16777215 (white)
InfoEmergencyTitleBkgColor1=40 (dark red) InfoEmergencyTitleBkgColor2=255 (red) InfoEmergencyTextColor=16777215 (white) InfoNormalTitleBkgColor1=10240 (dark green) InfoNormalTitleBkgColor2=65280 (green) InfoNormalTextColor=16777215 (white) InfoTitleColor=65535 (yellow)
More details here. |