It might also be wise to download Avast Virus Cleaner (naturally free!)
List of known worms
avast! Virus Cleaner is currently (in version 1.0.176) able to identify and remove the following worm families:
Win32:Badtrans [Wrm]
Win32:Beagle [Wrm] (aka Bagle), variants A-K
Win32:Blaster [Wrm] (aka Lovsan), variants A-H
Win32:BugBear [Wrm], including B variant
Win32:Ganda [Wrm]
Win32:Klez [Wrm], all variants (including variants of Win32:Elkern)
Win32:MiMail [Wrm], variants A, C, E, I-N, Q, S-U
Win32:Mydoom [Wrm] (variants A, B, D, F - including the trojan horse)
Win32:Nachi [Wrm] (aka Welchia, variants A-C)
Win32:NetSky [Wrm] (aka Moodown, variants A-F)
Win32:Nimda [Wrm]
Win32:Opas [Wrm] (aka Opasoft, Opaserv)
Win32:Scold [Wrm]
Win32:Sircam [Wrm]
Win32:Sober [Wrm], including B variant
Win32:Sobig [Wrm], including variants B-F
Win32:Swen [Wrm], including UPX-packed variants
Win32:Yaha [Wrm] (aka Lentin), all variants
As Cojo stated, the Search function will usually provide you with basic information on the infection to guide you in your course of action.
We are always here to help you.