JUST typical...
My machine just got infected with the trj 436 and I just can´t get rid off it..
I´ve running XP and just shutted down the remake, or what it is called, run my antivirus(avast) but it still tells me that there is a virus but it can´t remove, repair it or even delete it...
Or rather that is not quit true... It deletes some of the infected files but some remain.... ANd it is located in the dir called
c:\documents and settings\my name\local settings\temperary internet files\contentIE5.1\dqvl1g3l\ind(1).js\ind(1)
Infection vbs:tjojano-436(trj)
error occured during deleting. This function ...............
CAN I get rid off this buck somehow??
AND I got to admit... I´m no computer wiz :S