Author Topic: Mozilla Seamonkey mail problem  (Read 2217 times)

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Mozilla Seamonkey mail problem
« on: December 28, 2012, 04:24:38 AM »
Hi All,

I have a problem, self induced customisation of Mozilla SeaMonkey on Windows 7 x64.

Because I share URL shortcuts between Win7 x86 and Win7 x64 on the same computer as dual boot, I did a custom install of SeaMonkey to the x64 - Program Files folder.

The URL shortcuts often take the following data:-
IconFile=C:\Program Files\SeaMonkey\seamonkey.exe

Any one of these shortcuts that contains the text "IconFile=C:\Program Files\SeaMonkey\seamonkey.exe" from Win7 x86 will not show the correct icon if SeaMonkey is installed to the normal and default "C:\Program Files (x86)\SeaMonkey\seamonkey.exe" location. 

Not all of these files have the bottom two lines denoting the location of the icon within SeaMonkey.exe.  (I don't know why and I don't want to have to manually edit any that do.)

Since I installed the x86 version under the x64 standard "Program Files" folder, the icons have been showing correctly and SeaMonkey continues to function correctly as a web browser. BUT, I cannot send email or read newsgroups unless I disable the Avast Free - "Mail Shield".

When I disable the Mail Shield I can send/receive mail and browse Newsgroups as normal.

Now I know someone will say - give up and install to the normal and default program location.
I would give up using Avast Free before I did that.

Can someone please tell me:-
1. Why Avast cares where the SeaMonkey Mail component is installed.
2. How to configure Avast Free to ignore the non standard mail/news program location.



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Re: Mozilla Seamonkey mail problem
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2013, 09:45:58 PM »

I have uninstalled Avast Free 7.0.1474 and installed Avira Free Antivirus.

Before I made the drastic step of removing Avast Free, I had tried many other options including remove/reinstall of Avast, Remove Mozilla SeaMonkey, both separately and together.  In the end i just plain gave up and went to Avira.

I also tried Avast with the Behaviour Shield and Network Shield removed.

I wish I could stick with Avast but I can't waste any more time on this.
