Author Topic: Component Status - Lack of any useful information  (Read 1526 times)

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Component Status - Lack of any useful information
« on: November 06, 2013, 04:10:59 PM »
Is it just me or what?  On the Avast Pro 2014 edition it looks fantastic but there seems to be little substance.

My stats read 15 viruses blocked in the last 30 days but what viruses and when, and where are the infected emails? are they new or on a picked up from the initial scan and can I retrieve them intact? and what were the viruses? and what files or email attachments were they in? Certainly they are not all in the Virus Chest.

Also 139 spams, what where and when, and what did it do with them? Where are they now? how can I adjust it's sensitivity? Add to a white list? Add to a black list?

Yes the information may be hidden in log files (though so far I find the logs worthless with entries like "Email [1234] - Clean") or the information whizzes past in a statistics view 5 lines high on a 23 inch monitor.

It is like I am missing a whole console app that I have in Kaspersky in the office that shows what file, what infection where and when and I can look up the risk and fine tune its enthusiasm to help.

I read the forums and FAQs with no real answers, but being a fantastic product with beautiful graphics is only half the story. It needs to tell me what it is really up to too.

Can anyone shed some more light on what is going on inside? - Thanks.