Author Topic: forum search is seriously BROKEN  (Read 1451 times)

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forum search is seriously BROKEN
« on: January 31, 2015, 02:08:36 AM »
The subject line says it all.

I'm trying to search the forum for info on the "NG" component of Avast 2015. Go ahead. Try it yourself. Search for "NG". Or "Avast NG". Or "NG component". Or "NG option". With or without quotes. See what YOU get.

Or try to search the forum for ANY phrase that contains a commonly-used keyword, e.g. "browser", "protection", "component", "option". ONE page of random results. Seriously?

Only one I've found that works is "grime fighter", and I suspect that's only because someone special-cased it. Because "fighter" by itself gives the one-page FAIL. [ FWIW, "grime" works, too. Maybe that's been special-cased as well. Or maybe that keyword hasn't (yet) hit the magic maximum search results threshold. ]

How about "virus chest"? With or without quotes. Or even just "chest". Seems *someone* might want to find postings on that subject (besides me, that is).

And finally there's "false positive". Also with or without quotes. Another search term likely to be of interest only to complete idiots (like me).

Forum search: Useless. Utterly useless!


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Re: forum search is seriously BROKEN
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2015, 02:40:36 AM »
My previous reply seems to have gotten lost in the aether. Trying again...

Another example of a search phrase that seems to be special-cased: "https scanning" (or "https scanner", or "https scan"). Because "https", "scanning", "scanner" and "scan" by themselves all give the one-page FAIL. But please to make SURE you use the quotes; else ALL of these phrases will give the one-page FAIL.

Hard to believe that no one else has ever noticed this bug before today. But I cannot tell for CERTAIN, because (naturally) the search phrase "search" ALSO gives a one-page FAIL.  But then again, "forum search" seems to be special-cased. So it goes...