Author Topic: Avast Free Antivirus Blocking all system programs and controls  (Read 1023 times)

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Offline Adithya_Gn

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I have downloaded and installed latest avast free antivirus (offline version) in my office PC running windows 7. During installation it showed some errors but it continued with the installation and installation was completed. But once it finished, i could not open the avast antivirus. All my MS office files and other applications cannot be opened. Even the system programs, control panel cannot be opened and i could not shut down the PC, i could not even uninstall the avast antivirus.
I copied all my files and i did a clean format of my pc and put a windows 10. Once i copied my backup files into it, i cannot open any of it. One drive was not showing the used space or its files. I did a chkdsk and the drive was repaired and files were opening. But in another drive, all files cannot be opened.
1. When i try to open a word file, it is showing "word cannot open the document: user does not have access privileges"
2. When i try to open a excel file, it is showing "Excel cannot open the file because the file format or file extension is not valid. Verify that the file has not been corrupted and that the file extension matches the format of the file"
3. When i try to open a pdf file, it is showing "There was an error opening this document. Access denied"
4. In the backup PC too files are not accessible.
5. The newly created drives were shared and made as network drive but i cannot not access it from the network computers, it is showing"do not have access. contact administrator".
Need some urgent help on this. I found some workaround to change administrative privileges to open the files and it is working but i cannot not do it for all files as it is taking lot of time to do it to all files individually.