Author Topic: Webshield issue with Vista version of AVast Home  (Read 32311 times)

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Re: Webshield issue with Vista version of AVast Home
« Reply #45 on: August 03, 2007, 06:13:55 PM »
Hi Lukor, Vlk,

thank you guys for your testing efforts.

It was a pleasure :)  Glad I could help even if it's just a little.

We have already had a suspicion that Zone Alarm might be involved - in fact we are already testing this possibility and work around in the Q/A lab, but it's always somewhat complicated to blame 3rd party product as a first step solution.

Aye, I can understand that.  I just hope you guys are able to find a way 'around' it although I'd prefer if ZA would return to being what they used to be -- As Tech mentionned in the post above, I agree that they 'used to' be a great company.  Somehow, my feeling is they became more 'corporate' in the last few years and let go of their search for 'quality' and 'effort' to provide their users with the best product and service they could.  And let's not forget their buggy uninstaller.  Everytime I used to uninstall ZA, I couldn't reinstall it without having to manually delete the ZoneLabs Directory under System32.  I still don't know if they fixed it on WinXP (I now delete it automatically everytime I uninstall ZA).

Heck, until recently, I still had to download their new version to update my ZA to the latest version.. talk about a prehistoric way of updating a product!!   :P

All I can add to this about ZA is that your WebShield works perfectly so far on Windows XP with Comodo.. no issues so far.  Let's not forget that I had the download freezes issue with ZA under WindowsXP.  This isn't an issue anymore. 8)

I am happy we have finally find the cause. Hopefully we will also find some work around, so that Zone Alarm users might continue using WebShield on Vista as well.

Aye, me too :)  and I wish you good luck there... if you need someone to test this, let me know,  I don't mind reinstalling ZA to help test this.

 similar thing has happened about 3 years ago, we touched base with ZA developers but they were not very fond of the idea of fixing anything (to put it diplomatically). We even met them face to face at a conference - still no luck... (it almost gave us the impression that these guys don't really give a s..t about the quality of their product) [I apologize for the language]

No need to apologize.. I hear ya and frankly, you're not the only one as can be seen by the few who posted here in the last day.  You made the effort the last time.  I just hope they'll listen now as, as you mentionned, AVast user base is considerable indeed!  I hope it keeps growing too :) (Avast, not ZA).  I also hope ZA will cooperate with you guys.  Good luck btw.

Continued success guys and keep up the great work (the product, AND the support!)  ;D



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Re: Webshield issue with Vista version of AVast Home
« Reply #46 on: August 03, 2007, 08:17:05 PM »
_Rej_, it's just a matter of waiting a little... soon Comodo firewall will be available for Vista...
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Re: Webshield issue with Vista version of AVast Home
« Reply #47 on: August 03, 2007, 08:55:07 PM »

Aye, I'm on the email list for when it comes out :)

In the meantime, it gives me a chance to discover what's out there too.



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Re: Webshield issue with Vista version of AVast Home
« Reply #48 on: August 22, 2007, 08:41:25 PM »
Hello again. It has been a while since I posted about this problem. I uninstallled ZoneAlarm Free Home for Vista and the page loading problems did clear up. Problem is, I really like using ZA. Is there an .exe file in the Avast program that I should give "Server Rights" under ZA to make the Webshield work better? I already gave the Webscanner "Server Rights" but it didn't help any. I would really like to find a way to use both Avast with the Webshield active AND ZA too. Any ideas? Thanks if you can help.

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Re: Webshield issue with Vista version of AVast Home
« Reply #49 on: August 22, 2007, 11:18:12 PM »

the problem is the current version of Zone Alarm.

We have exchanged a few emails with the developers from ZoneLabs/Checkpoint and indeed they admitted there is a problem in the firewall. On Vista, Zone Alarm causes a slowdown of several seconds on every incoming connection. This happens regardless of the fact if avast! is installed on the machine or not. Only that with avast! installed you see the problem more quickly, since WebShield accepts a lot of connections from your browser.

Other applications, like any ad-blocker, parental control, anonymizer, regular HTTP caching proxy, and even IIS or Apache Web Server running on Vista with Zone Alarm (simply everthing that accepts connections) is really a bad bad idea. At least in the current ZA version.

However today we were informed that ZoneLabs team had finally found out a fix for the problem. It should be out in the next Zone Alarm version (but we don't know when this is going to be released).

If you really like Zone Alarm, we suggest either turn the WebShield off, temporarily, until the fixed ZA version will be out, or at least configure your browser to use the proxy on localhost:12080 manually (don't use the auto-redirect). By this, you will be still hit by the slowdown, but since the browser is trying to keep the connection active as long as possible (when configure to use proxy manually) the slowdown may be slightly less obvious.



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Re: Webshield issue with Vista version of AVast Home
« Reply #50 on: August 24, 2007, 06:33:07 AM »
Hi Lukor,

Appreciate the information.  I was wondering how things were developing about it since I've tried Comodo and although it's a great Firewall, I don't have the trust yet to switch to it and came back to ZA (like its simplicity and familiarity -- same goes with AVast now :)

So, again, thank you for keeping in touch with us about it and trying to solve the issue with Zonelabs (I'm glad they agreed to even try to fix it with you guys).

Great work! and continued success  :D



P.S. Hope they fix the download freezes that happens in XP with ZA at the same time, I guess we'll see it soon enough when the new version comes out.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2007, 04:39:01 AM by _Rej_ »


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Re: Webshield issue with Vista version of AVast Home
« Reply #51 on: August 26, 2007, 02:17:36 AM »
Thank you again Lukor. I uninstalled ZA Free and also Avast for now. I was having problems with my gaming main server not loading all available servers into my "active list" of servers. I uninstalled ZA and restarted but the problem persisted. I uninstalled Avast as well and the problem cleared up immediately. As a client of RR I am able to use the CA Internet Suite for free, though I did not like their switch to the Tiny Personal Firewall from ZA. I don't care for some of the configurations therein. But, it works seemlessly now and since I am also behind a hardware router/firewall I suppose it will be secure enough. However, Bootup times are horribly slow with the CA Suite installed.

I thank you all again for Avast and for all you do to make it a better program day by day. I hope I will be able to install Avast again at a later date along with ZA and use them successfully as I have before. Thanks to all. :) :) :) Sincerely,
« Last Edit: August 26, 2007, 02:19:50 AM by smokethapimp »

Offline Lisandro

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Re: Webshield issue with Vista version of AVast Home
« Reply #52 on: August 26, 2007, 02:35:19 AM »
I've tried Comodo and although it's a great Firewall, I don't have the trust yet to switch to it and came back to ZA (like its simplicity and familiarity
I'd rather Comodo than ZA.
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Re: Webshield issue with Vista version of AVast Home
« Reply #53 on: August 26, 2007, 04:38:35 AM »
I've tried Comodo and although it's a great Firewall, I don't have the trust yet to switch to it and came back to ZA (like its simplicity and familiarity
I'd rather Comodo than ZA.

Yea, I'll wait for version 3.0 to arrive.  As said above, I like it and I think it much better BUT there were instances where I did *not* know if an attack was blocked and cound *not* find out if it was or not (no logs, no nothing) -- had to use Wireshark to find out about the port issue btw...  that's why I switched back to ZA in the meantime.

For example... for Azureus I need to have a network rule setup to allow the port that Azureus will use.   Since using Comodo, I've noticed a LOT of traffic to this port even if I wasn't using p2p for days. So I changed the port to another one, and the traffic started switching to that port!  If it's protected and stealthed, how come the traffic unvariably switch to it? And since I couldn't know if anything was blocked (I think it was, but couldn't confirm it) that's when I decided to return to ZA (for now).

perhaps 3.0 will help in this matter and others.

Something else I should mention, ALL my problems with XP download freezes went away with Comodo.


P.S. and Since 3.0 will support Vista, that's another point in its favor.


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Re: Webshield issue with Vista version of AVast Home
« Reply #54 on: September 23, 2007, 07:22:55 AM »
This is essentially a double post. I did this because I have had such a struggle finding a suitable Vista OS/Firewall/Avast combination. I have found one that is working beautifully for me and wanted to share it here too in case someone else has faced similar problems. I hope the Mods will understand and not be upset with me.

I have had a struggle finding a suitable Avast/Firewall combo for my Vista Basic Home computer, but I think after a bit of testing I have something that is working well. As I am a RR customer I have access to their free CA Internet Security Suite which includes a Free Version of a Firewall (based on Tiny Personal Firewall technology). After a lot of install/uninstall drama I have found that Avast Free Home integrates well with the RR/CA Security suite. I install everything except the CA Antivirus which was DRASTICALLY slowing down my internet connection AND my system Bootup time. To be more clear I have the following parts of the CA Internet Security Package installed alongside Avast Free Home Antivirus:

1:CA Personal Firewall with the integrated Cookie Control and Ad PopUp Blocker on medium settings
2:CA Anti-Spyware - Real-Time Protection is turned On.
3:CA Anti-Spam - On

This combination is pretty much transparent wrt internet speed and webpage loading, and I feel very well protected. For any who have a Vista OS Computer and RoadRunner for Internet Connection I think you will be well pleased with this combination.

If you decide to do this, the installer package for the CA Suite will tell you it is "incompatible with Avast". Ignore this and X out that popup. Do a "Custom Install" of the CA Security Suite. Check all Checkboxes for install EXCEPT the CA Antivirus. I assure you, the parts I listed above function perfectly with Avast. CA has updated the function of their Firewall and it now passes GRC/ShieldsUp Portscans 100% stealthed (even when I remove my hardware router from the connection chain).

Thank you again ALWIL/Avast, for all you do!!