Author Topic: Ventana de confirmación detiene la busqueda.  (Read 3144 times)

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Ventana de confirmación detiene la busqueda.
« on: October 10, 2007, 12:59:15 PM »
Hola a todos !

Estoy probando el avast! y tengo este inconveniente. Cada vez que encuentra algo que él cree que es un virus se detiene y pregunta que hacer , y lo que yo quisiera es que termine de escanear y después presente el informe para asi evitar estar vigilando mientras escanea.

No encuentro la opción para que haga eso...

El cuadro de diálogo que se presenta al encontrar un virus tiene una casilla "No mostrar este mensaje la próxima vez" , pero la tildo y sigue igual.

¿Alguien me puede dar una mano?

Saludos. Rubén.

Offline Lisandro

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Re: Ventana de confirmación detiene la busqueda.
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2007, 03:40:52 PM »
Well... it should be an English-only forum...
Could you please, go to an automated translation service, copy & paste your text and get, at least, an automated translation of your writings?

But I can understand Spanish and it's only possible in Professional version (see picture here:

In Home version you can check the option "Don't show this window again" as soon as the first virus warning appears, and click on "No action" button. This way, nothing will be done and you will be presented the results at the end (and you can perform actions from there).

Well, that's the way it is, I am afraid; you may call it a limitation of the Home Edition of avast!. In the Professional Edition, you can configure the task to perform automatic actions (or, don't do anything).
In the Home version, you may check the "Don't show again" checkbox in the Virus warning dialog - but only after the first virus has been found (because you won't see the virus dialog until then).

Or you can use Silent Mode:

Left click the 'a' blue icon.
It will start On-access protection

Click on Internet Mail and then on Customize.
Go to Advanced tab and select Silent Mode and the default answer No. This will send the file (email) to Chest.
But take a look here:

Do the same for the and Outlook/Exchange plugin.
The answer Yes in Silent Mode keeps the virus in the file or into the message (attach) and continue the scanning. You can't configure 'delete the infected file' in the Home version.

You can do the same for Standard Shield provider, but it won't be a good idea...

Silent mode in the case of the WebShield provider simply means that avast will keep pressing the "Abort connection" button for the user automatically.
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Re: Ventana de confirmación detiene la busqueda.
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2007, 03:56:08 AM »
Thanks for helping me !. Problem resolved.  ;)

Offline Lisandro

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Re: Ventana de confirmación detiene la busqueda.
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2007, 03:03:54 PM »
Thanks for helping me !. Problem resolved.  ;)
You're welcome. Feel free to come back any time you need help.
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