Author Topic: [RESOLVED]Security software that will work with Avast.  (Read 10709 times)

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Re: Security software that will work with Avast.
« Reply #15 on: March 24, 2011, 06:52:35 AM »
Well, you didn't really ask that in your first post in order for him to give you the advice...


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Re: Security software that will work with Avast.
« Reply #16 on: March 24, 2011, 09:09:43 AM »
You can also do a search on this forum (Search button is on the top toolbar of the forum page) and put in various names of software to check for conflicts.  I have worked with users re: Threatfire, as well as other software, which you can search and review, if you are interested to check out conflicts.

It would also help if you gave us information about your system (OS, RAM, 32 or 64-bit, etc.), your security set up, what version and product of Avast you are using as well as the following:
- Firewall
- Other security software
- Antivirus
- Any trial versions of security software

Thank you.


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Re: Security software that will work with Avast.
« Reply #17 on: March 24, 2011, 09:28:10 AM »
It still would have been nice if he would have listed the version of Threatfire he reviewed because like I said they have been bug fixing the heck out of it and a out of date review is worse that useless.  All we know is the date he posted the review, we don't how long it took him to do the tests, assemble and create the post, much less if he even used the most current version available at the the time he began.  Good reviewers admit that their reviews were only valid at the time of the writing, the better ones will update then as they publish them to the web and only the very best will update them after they are published

The review is valid pretty much for any version of TF. It is about a design problem, not about fixing cosmetics and little bugs. And redesign has never happened and most likely will never happen.


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Re: Security software that will work with Avast.
« Reply #18 on: March 24, 2011, 05:48:12 PM »
Well, you didn't really ask that in your first post in order for him to give you the advice...

But you notice he was quick to give it anyhow and not just as his opinion but as the only way it can be, complete with his pet expert.

I seems I opened an ugly can of worms when I titled my post as "Security software that will work with Avast.", I should have titled it "Security software that I have used with Avast.".

All I expected when I started this thread was for others to post the software that they have used with Avast, the "well I had trouble with that one, but this one works for me" and "I may try that one and I've been using this one" type of tread.

I've been messing around with computers since the early days of DOS and PCs had no sound but beeps and the only color was the tint of the monochrome monitor.  The only thing two things that have not really changed is that 1: No software will run right with every combination of hardware and other software and 2: No software is final, they will always push a "improved" version out, be it just added bells and whistles or a complete recode, that and the new version is not always better than the last one.

This has all left a bitter taste in my mouth, I've even held utility software support forms up as an example to the video game forums as how people can post and expect helpful advise without being taken to task, I see that was only because I had not posted of late.

Those of you who attempted to control the madness and be the forum members I remember so well, I thank you and truly don't know how you keep your sanity.  As for myself, I am first going to contact the forum moderator and see if I can have this thread removed and secondly I will think long and hard before ever attempting to open another thread on any forum.

Offline Lisandro

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Re: Security software that will work with Avast.
« Reply #19 on: March 24, 2011, 06:48:28 PM »
The first is Threatfire, which is made to work with your Security software and improve your protection from new, unknown threats.
Was a very good companion before being bought by Symantec.
avast Behavior Shield is replacing it.
Anyway, you could use it side by side with avast.

The second is K9-Web Protection, it's an internet filter that runs as a service on Windows 2000 and up.  It can block malware sites, phishing sites, https sites and most any other sites you can think of.  It works with any and all browsers, so it can't be defeated by using a portable drive.  I use it for adults and kids who like it for it's ability to block ads and redirection.  While it's nice to be able to stop the malware, it saves a lot of time if you don't get sent to the infected sites to start with.
It's not a security tool frontend. It's a very good parental control. Can work side by side with avast.
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Re: Security software that will work with Avast.
« Reply #20 on: March 25, 2011, 12:05:31 AM »
Those of you who attempted to control the madness and be the forum members I remember so well, I thank you and truly don't know how you keep your sanity.  As for myself, I am first going to contact the forum moderator and see if I can have this thread removed and secondly I will think long and hard before ever attempting to open another thread on any forum.

Please go to PROFILE then Modify Profile then Forum Profile Information then select your country in Please select your country: then update your Signature: with information like my signature as this helps the helpers offer pertinent advice.
You need to read a lot here before you know a lot about avast!.


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Re: Security software that will work with Avast.
« Reply #21 on: March 25, 2011, 08:01:16 PM »
You need to read a lot here before you know a lot about avast!.

You know something, I remember when McAfee was free and there was no Avast.

I first posted quite awhile back about how to get Avast to work with Spamihilator under Windows ME & 98.  I haven't had a lot of reason to post anything else and only started this thread because of a misguided idea that someone might be interested in what am using on my older machines.

The only reason I was on the forum again was because a friend of ours thought he got taken by a fake Avast purchase/support scam.  You can follow that thread here

And really guys I've been around long enough that if I need help, I would contact Avast's tech. support by e-mail, search on-line and if I was posting for help here, I would ask for it in the section devoted to the version of Avast I was working with , not here in the general section.

Offline Lisandro

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Re: Security software that will work with Avast.
« Reply #22 on: March 25, 2011, 10:09:56 PM »
Rifkin, anything more we can help or share information?
Just that I'm not sure what should I continue posting in this thread ???
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Re: Security software that will work with Avast.
« Reply #23 on: March 25, 2011, 10:50:53 PM »
Tech, like I said earlier this thread did not go in the direction I thought it would when I started it, though we have had over 300 views so far so it seems some people are interested in the subject.

Truthfully I really don't see why anyone would want to continue posting to this tread.  It really is a shame I can't get it removed, it's become too long & has gotten too far from it's subject to be useful for anything except maybe an example of how a thread can go terribly wrong.  There is a lot of good general information for new forum members scattered through it.

So, unless you would care to download & try out K9 Web Protection (it is free), I'll just say thank you for your input & I'll remember that this forum is still one place I can come to when I do need help.

Something I have found on too many forums is that when someone posts for the first time, alot of people treat them as if they are noobs or idiots or both.  It seems to be the in thing to do, even my son thinks it fun.  I just find it very, very sad.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2011, 10:53:20 PM by Rifkin »

Offline Lisandro

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Re: Security software that will work with Avast.
« Reply #24 on: March 26, 2011, 12:05:24 AM »
I'll remember that this forum is still one place I can come to when I do need help.
Sure. You're always welcome.
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