Author Topic: 100% CPU load while idle. No processes loading cpu are running  (Read 6938 times)

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Hello, I've got a problem I can't solve and I need your help. I'm writing from my iPad so there could be autocorrect mistakes in the text below.
My pc is running windows 7, no anti viruses or firewalls. I haven't been using any av software since 2000 and it was fine till now, unfortunately.
When I started my pc this morning is was like superslow. To load all the icons it took about 15 minutes. In safe mode I've got the same problem. I barely can open a window or run task manager. So when I open the task manager it shows processes with 00 or 01% processor time. Mayb task manager sometimes is about 40%. But the task manager shows 100% CPU load. I can't install an antivirus or even open my browser. I downloaded drweb live cd but, booted from it but it didn't help so far.
Yesterday I was getting task scheduler error message during the day, but I didn't reboot my pc.

What virus could this be and what can I do about it? Thanks in advance.
- synco


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Re: 100% CPU load while idle. No processes loading cpu are running
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2011, 01:44:33 PM »
as long as you don't tell which process shows the 100% CPU load, there's not much to add...


My pc is running windows 7, no anti viruses or firewalls. I haven't been using any av software since 2000 and it was fine till now, unfortunately.

... what do you expect ::)


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Re: 100% CPU load while idle. No processes loading cpu are running
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2011, 02:11:46 PM »
yep, it wasn't very clever of me to not use av software...

There is the thing that there is no ruining processes using 100 % cpu. But cpu load is 100 % according to the performance bookmark in the task manager.

Offline essexboy

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Re: 100% CPU load while idle. No processes loading cpu are running
« Reply #3 on: May 08, 2011, 03:21:45 PM »
Hi there first off we need to determine if it is malware causing the problem

Download aswMBR.exe ( 511KB ) to your desktop.
Double click the aswMBR.exe to run it
Click the "Scan" button to start scan

On completion of the scan click save log, save it to your desktop and post in your next reply


Download OTS to your Desktop and double-click on it to run it
  • Make sure you close all other programs and don't use the PC while the scan runs.
  • Select All Users
  • Under additional scans select the following
Reg - Disabled MS Config Items
Reg - Drivers32
Reg - NetSvcs
Reg - SafeBoot Minimal
Reg - Shell Spawning
Evnt - EventViewer Logs (Last 10 Errors)
File - Lop Check

  • Under the Custom Scan box paste this in
%systemroot%\*. /mp /s
hklm\software\clients\startmenuinternet|command /rs
hklm\software\clients\startmenuinternet|command /64 /rs

  • Now click the Run Scan button on the toolbar. Make sure not to use the PC while the program is running or it will freeze.
  • When the scan is complete Notepad will open with the report file loaded in it.
  • Please attach the log in your next post.


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Re: 100% CPU load while idle. No processes loading cpu are running
« Reply #4 on: May 08, 2011, 06:48:25 PM »
The Main Problem is that I can't open browser, or it probably ail take few days justto open it. Is it possible to run it from a bootable disk somehow?

Offline essexboy

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Re: 100% CPU load while idle. No processes loading cpu are running
« Reply #5 on: May 08, 2011, 07:15:53 PM »
One bootable disc coming up - this will allow internet access and it has a browser, either chrome or FF not sure which

Please print these instruction out so that you know what you are doing

Latest version: v3.1.46.0

Size: 127,222,215b / 121.3MB

  • Download the attached scan.txt to a USB drive
  • Download OTLPENet.exe to your desktop
  • Ensure that you have a blank CD in the drive
  • Double click OTLPENet.exe and this will then open imgburn  to burn the file to CD

  • Reboot your system using the boot CD you just created.
Note : If you do not know how to set your computer to boot from CD follow the steps here
  • As the CD needs to detect your hardware and load the operating system, I would recommend a nice cup of tea whilst it loads  :) 
  • Your system should now display a Reatogo desktop.
Note : as you are running from CD it is not exactly speedy
  • Double-click on the OTLPE icon.
  • Select the Windows folder of the infected drive if it asks for a location
  • When asked "Do you wish to load the remote registry", select Yes
  • When asked "Do you wish to load remote user profile(s) for scanning", select Yes
  • Ensure the box "Automatically Load All Remaining Users" is checked and press OK
  • OTL should now start.
  • Double click the Custom scans and fixes box
  • In the dialogue locate the scan.txt you have on the USB
  • Press Run Scan to start the scan.
  • When finished, the file will be saved  in drive C:\OTL.txt
  • Copy this file to your USB drive if you do not have internet connection on this system.
  • Right click the file and select send to : select the USB drive. 
  • Confirm that it has copied to the USB drive by selecting it
  • You can backup any files that you wish from this OS
  • Please post the contents of the C:\OTL.txt file in your reply.


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Re: 100% CPU load while idle. No processes loading cpu are running
« Reply #6 on: May 08, 2011, 09:36:48 PM »
I just returned home, looks like the process is wininit.exe. I googled that it  looks pretty much like the cause of the nuisance. But still I can't just end the process or download anything to this machine. If I found the alleged cause, I don't think I need to run the bootable thigy since it just checks the processes, right?

Offline essexboy

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Re: 100% CPU load while idle. No processes loading cpu are running
« Reply #7 on: May 08, 2011, 11:56:26 PM »
No the bootable disc will allow me to check for any malware on the system and then remove it.. If it is wininit, it may be infected, in which case I could replace it


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Re: 100% CPU load while idle. No processes loading cpu are running
« Reply #8 on: May 09, 2011, 09:31:35 AM »
here it is

Offline essexboy

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Re: 100% CPU load while idle. No processes loading cpu are running
« Reply #9 on: May 09, 2011, 09:36:31 PM »
I have had a look and I see that you have qip installed - are you aware of this and did you install it ?


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Re: 100% CPU load while idle. No processes loading cpu are running
« Reply #10 on: May 09, 2011, 09:55:50 PM »
Yep, it's an IM .never had problems with it.

There are 3 processes which load cow most. Wininit.exe, services.exe and explorer exe. I managed to lower the priority of these processes but CPU load remains the same. I tried to use online scanners to check these files (using firefox from the Ilive cd from your link in. This topic), they seem clear. I deleted all the tasks from windows/tasks folder. I even borrowed an avast Bart cd with the up to date virus bases, still nothing.

When I boot from the live cd, the task manager shows adequate CPU load which is 00-02% idle.
I tried to install malwarebytes' software but I can't run it. The process starts, loads 60kb into memory(according to the task manager) and remains the same with no signs of progress.

I'm quite desperate about this :(

Offline essexboy

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Re: 100% CPU load while idle. No processes loading cpu are running
« Reply #11 on: May 09, 2011, 11:37:16 PM »
Start OTLPE as you did previously from CD
Copy the attached Fix.txt to a USB

  • Insert your USB drive with fix.txt on it
  • Start OTLPE
  • Drag and drop fix.txt into the Custom scans and fixes box
  • If you cannot drag and drop for some reason.  Then press the Run Fix button and a dialogue box will pop up asking for the location - select the file on your USB drive 
  • Then click the Run Fix button at the top
  • Let the program run unhindered, reboot when it is done to normal mode if possible
  • Then post a new OTL log ( don't check the boxes beside LOP Check or Purity this time )


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Re: 100% CPU load while idle. No processes loading cpu are running
« Reply #12 on: May 10, 2011, 10:18:43 AM »
Thanks for help, essexboy. I just couldn`t wait anymore and formatted c: :) so the problem can be considered solved. Thank you once again. Now the first app I installed on my new system was avast. 


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Re: 100% CPU load while idle. No processes loading cpu are running
« Reply #13 on: May 10, 2011, 10:33:40 AM »
Is your machine working normally now?  Is Avast working?  I would recommend updating the Avast definitions and running a Full and boot-time scans as well as updating and running a Quick MBAM scan and report back.


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Re: 100% CPU load while idle. No processes loading cpu are running
« Reply #14 on: May 10, 2011, 11:08:48 AM »
Yep, everything is working fine. Avast is working, just updated the definitions a minute ago. I will do the MBAM scan and will post it there as soon as I get my system fully checked.