Author Topic: I was just about to subscribe to paid Avast, after using the free version ..but  (Read 1533 times)

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Have been using the free version of Avast! for about 3 years, on my laptop (aka notebook).  After receiving nagware, repeatedly (I was within 27 days of expiration on my FORMER formerly current free subscription), I was about to subscribe and pay for the paid version. 

But then:  suddenly, I couldn't download emails via my desktop email client (Thunderbird).  All the mail was there on the gmail website -- but I had to use the web interface, which, frankly, I'd never used.  I always used POP. 

So  I deleted sercurity certificates, etc., reinstalled them, was able to receive email again in my client. 

Then tonight, I couldn't send a reply.  It was Avast! AGAIN. 

I was terminally terminally FED UP. 

I deleted Avast!   PERIOD. 

As a backstop/backup, downloaded/installed Microsoft Security Essentials etc. antiviris. 

Oh yes, and, Avast! uninstalled, I was able to send a reply email to a colleague on my email a/c. 

Bye Bye forever, Avast!