Author Topic: XP 64bit from BSOD to Dead Splash Screen to BlackSOD  (Read 5146 times)

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XP 64bit from BSOD to Dead Splash Screen to BlackSOD
« on: March 23, 2014, 03:01:55 AM »
Thanks for looking this over for me. I use VMware Workstation 10 on a Lenovo Yoga 11s with 4GB RAM, i5 Haswell, 128GB SSD, and 64bit Windows 8.1 Pro for the host os. About 8 hrs ago I finished a fresh install of Windows XP Pro 64bit from an iso image file that did not come with stock virus protection. In the middle of installing  Avast 2014 it flashed a BSOD ... I have no idea what it said because all I could think to do was press PrtSc before I read the first few meaningless words and the computer restarted itself. Useless. Upon restart it flashes the splash screen but does not accept input: no setup, no network boot, no boot menu, no safe mode, no BIOS or anything whatsoever. After the dead splash screen, a cursor flashes once and the screen enters into what I can only assume is an infinite black screen of death. The stop error was the only error message. I have spent the entire day researching this problem and can’t find anyone with the exact same issue. Please tell me there is a fix for this, otherwise I will not be able to continue using Avast on all my operating systems.


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Re: XP 64bit from BSOD to Dead Splash Screen to BlackSOD
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2014, 04:00:51 AM »
Do you have a recovery CD ? order to get to a Command prompt.

Look at this thread and go down to "If you cannot  Boot the computer".
YES, I know it is a VIRUS removal thread but I have PMed one of the experts for you on helping on these boot/BSOD issues.
He will run some utils, etc. to help but will want to see FRST log.
You need to be able to run Farbar (FRST) and post to this thread.
If you have recocvery CD then you can use it to get to command prompt and run FRST from USB stick.
If don't you will need bootable environment so look at thread on OTLPEnet

Post the FRST log.


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Re: XP 64bit from BSOD to Dead Splash Screen to BlackSOD
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2014, 11:11:59 AM »
Came to this forum to check if XP x64 issues were fixed in March release... seems they were not.
Check this thread, do you think your symptoms are similar to this?


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Re: XP 64bit from BSOD to Dead Splash Screen to BlackSOD
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2014, 12:55:41 PM »
Came to this forum to check if XP x64 issues were fixed in March release... seems they were not.
Check this thread, do you think your symptoms are similar to this?

I've never seen Avast Team even acknowledge let alone post "fixes" in release notes on the various BSODs or boot lock issues....have you ?
As disclaimer....I know for every post on Forum there are tons of folks that don't have issues.....but my concern (and why I am still on Avast8) is that the result can be a locked up system that is not recoverable in either Restore Point and Safe Mode not accessible.  Granted, this is not always the case but there are many threads on the aswsnx.sys (Avast's virtualization driver) that comes well as others.  One solution posted is to go back to Avast/Change (Control Panel > Programs) and uncheck Sandbox then on the reboot enable Avast hardened mode > aggressive to replace the sandbox function.  Now I realize that these PCs can have other fact there are posts where people have rootkit virus, or have loaded other drivers for BSOD, and again I admit that for every one person here there is 1,000+ (or more) fine.....but you can also argue how many people have problems that don't post/etc.  Anyway, my only point is that for me "personally" I'm waiting like you for some more stability. Thus, I too would like to see Avast Team provide some comments and/or release notes addressing their efforts in this area.

Anyway, I am still in wait-n-see going on 6+months.....waiting for Avast9 IMHO to stabilize with regards to this.
For me I plan do still do a Custom Install and only check/select the shields.
I just want Avast for the A/V....other items are too much risk for the reward for me.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2014, 01:53:46 PM by thekochs »


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Re: XP 64bit from BSOD to Dead Splash Screen to BlackSOD
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2014, 06:03:49 PM »
go back to Avast/Change (Control Panel > Programs) and uncheck Sandbox

Yes, I already read about this method in context of XP x64 issues, maybe it will help topic starter.


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Re: XP 64bit from BSOD to Dead Splash Screen to BlackSOD
« Reply #5 on: March 24, 2014, 10:40:41 PM »
For me I plan do still do a Custom Install and only check/select the shields.

That's what I do as well.  You may notice when moving from version 8 -> 9 there are less shields to install.  Seems like maybe a reduction in protection, but I'm hoping other shields (script/p2p/IM/etc) just got merged.

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Re: XP 64bit from BSOD to Dead Splash Screen to BlackSOD
« Reply #6 on: March 24, 2014, 11:01:11 PM »
For me I plan do still do a Custom Install and only check/select the shields.

That's what I do as well.  You may notice when moving from version 8 -> 9 there are less shields to install.  Seems like maybe a reduction in protection, but I'm hoping other shields (script/p2p/IM/etc) just got merged.
Yes the shields were merged as they were to some degree duplicating effort


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Re: XP 64bit from BSOD to Dead Splash Screen to BlackSOD
« Reply #7 on: March 25, 2014, 01:21:11 AM »
For me I plan do still do a Custom Install and only check/select the shields.

That's what I do as well.  You may notice when moving from version 8 -> 9 there are less shields to install.  Seems like maybe a reduction in protection, but I'm hoping other shields (script/p2p/IM/etc) just got merged.
Yes the shields were merged as they were to some degree duplicating effort

It's a relief to see this thread caught your attention essexboy.

I have no recovery CD. Just the iso disk image file and product key from windows website. I will try creating bootable environment following steps in link posted by thekochs.

Kadilov, my avast 2014 installation was interrupted by a blue screen of death. The install never finished. Now I get black screen of death at splash and nothing else. Not even a mouse cursor. At this point going into avast to change anything is not an option. As far as I know I can't access anything whatsoever as outlined in original post.

I apreciate your attention to this matter, and I will post back with attached FRST log or any problems I run into obtaining it.


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Re: XP 64bit from BSOD to Dead Splash Screen to BlackSOD
« Reply #8 on: March 25, 2014, 01:48:22 AM »
...also I can easily record the screen from the host operating system while XP guest operating system is running in the VMware Workstation 10 virtual environment of the same computer. Or if there is any other way the host operating system of same computer could be used for a fix let me know.


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Re: XP 64bit from BSOD to Dead Splash Screen to BlackSOD
« Reply #9 on: March 25, 2014, 01:59:10 AM »
It's a relief to see this thread caught your attention essexboy.

I will try creating bootable environment following steps in link posted by thekochs.

It sounds like a corrupted Avast install and I hope you can get FRST log posted.
My thought is Essexboy can remove Avast on your PC thru a FarBar fixlist and allow you back into the PC.

What is the "ISO disk image" you are referring to ?.....the XP Pro 64-bit O/S ? {sounds like it is from your first post}
I ask because if it is the O/S then you could burn a bootable disk from the ISO and use it to:
1) Run Recovery Console and Command Prompt to get Farbar tool run and get FRST log.
To run the Recovery Console from the Windows XP startup disks or the Windows XP CD-ROM, follow these steps:
1.Insert the Windows XP startup disk into the floppy disk drive, or insert the Windows XP CD-ROM into the CD drive, and then restart the computer. Click to select any options that are required to start the computer from the CD drive if you are prompted.
2.When the "Welcome to Setup" screen appears, press R to start the Recovery Console.
3.If you have a dual-boot or multiple-boot computer, select the installation that you must access from the Recovery Console.
4.When you are prompted, type the Administrator password. If the administrator password is blank, just press ENTER.
5.At the command prompt, type the appropriate commands to diagnose and repair your Windows XP installation.

....from the command prompt you could then get to the USB stick with FRST on it..........

2) For a XP repair install

PLEASE LET ESSEXBOY GUIDE YOU......I'm just giving some ideas......he is expert.....he needs to be the one to step you thru things.
In other words, don't get anxious and do something that could cause worse things and no way to undo.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2014, 02:18:04 AM by thekochs »


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Re: XP 64bit from BSOD to Dead Splash Screen to BlackSOD
« Reply #10 on: March 25, 2014, 12:50:33 PM »

PLEASE LET ESSEXBOY GUIDE YOU......I'm just giving some ideas......he is expert.....he needs to be the one to step you thru things.
In other words, don't get anxious and do something that could cause worse things and no way to undo.

OK. I won't do anything until essexboy gives me the go ahead. I'll just leave windows xp alone until then. I installed the windows xp 64 bit operating system into my VMware workstation 10 virtual environment using an iso disk image file from microsoft website. It came with instructions to create a bootable CD from the image file, and I can also transfer the image file and use it to boot from usb. I can't boot from a CD because the computer hosting all 3 of my operating systems doesn't have an optical disc drive. I don't know if I can boot from usb and run essexboy's program from usb at the same time, so I'll just wait for instructions.

Also, the avast install is not curupted. The same day I ran into this problem, I used the same installer download to set avast up in windows 8, 8.1, and 7. All were a success except for windows xp 64 bit.


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Re: XP 64bit from BSOD to Dead Splash Screen to BlackSOD
« Reply #11 on: March 25, 2014, 01:51:03 PM »

PLEASE LET ESSEXBOY GUIDE YOU......I'm just giving some ideas......he is expert.....he needs to be the one to step you thru things.
In other words, don't get anxious and do something that could cause worse things and no way to undo.

OK. I won't do anything until essexboy gives me the go ahead. I'll just leave windows xp alone until then. I installed the windows xp 64 bit operating system into my VMware workstation 10 virtual environment using an iso disk image file from microsoft website. It came with instructions to create a bootable CD from the image file, and I can also transfer the image file and use it to boot from usb. I can't boot from a CD because the computer hosting all 3 of my operating systems doesn't have an optical disc drive. I don't know if I can boot from usb and run essexboy's program from usb at the same time, so I'll just wait for instructions.

Also, the avast install is not curupted. The same day I ran into this problem, I used the same installer download to set avast up in windows 8, 8.1, and 7. All were a success except for windows xp 64 bit.

I'd go ahead and create bootable USB Stick with the image.....also copy FRST (64 bit version) to the stick too.....root directory.
Make sure to get 64-bit version of Farbar:
Go ahead and boot to the USB stick, get into recovery console, command prompt and run all logs generated.
Besides FRST.txt there should/may be one called Addition.txt.....both will be in directory FRST EXE is run.
In order to find your USB stick drive the command prompt type the following:
notepad and press Enter. 
The notepad opens. Under File menu select Open. 
Select "Computer" and find your flash drive letter and close the notepad. 
In the command window type e:\frst64.exe and press Enter 
Note: Replace letter e with the drive letter of your flash drive. 
The tool will start to run.

Lastly, I said that the Avast install was corrupted meaning that "during" the install on XP 64-bit something went wrong....not that the file/installer was corrupted.  Also, if this gets cleaned up there is new 9.0.2016....make sure you go get this latest version/installer. lastly.....while in command prompt I'd save any data files you want off to the USB stick just in case.
If all the above works hopefully Essexboy can help.....but fallback may be to do repair install of XP.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2014, 01:52:40 PM by thekochs »

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Re: XP 64bit from BSOD to Dead Splash Screen to BlackSOD
« Reply #12 on: March 25, 2014, 03:37:16 PM »
You can use Rufus to create a bootable USB from the ISO and if the USB has say 16Gb of space then there should be no problem creating a folder on the USB to back up your data to

1.  Rufus 

Insert the USB stick Then run Rufus
Select the ISO file on the desktop via the ISO icon. 
Press Start Burn

Then copy FRST to the same USB