Author Topic: SOA just never works on any machine i install it on???????  (Read 1726 times)

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SOA just never works on any machine i install it on???????
« on: December 02, 2014, 03:03:19 PM »
So its time to update my licenses on my workstations. SO I thought I would try SOA, rather than go to each machine to renew, but unfortunately SOA just never works!

I followed the install instructions and it simply does not work, if i am missing something, i should not be, it should be more intuitive than it is now.

I installed on a Windows Server 2011 machine and it did not work, same with 3 different Windows 7 pro machines

What happens is that when i go to  deploy or i guess update the license, it just gets stuck at 4% and never finishes and i cannot stop the job either...

I have a standard Windows AD network, nothing special... the LAN itself has no port restrictions. it also says that it finds 88 computers, but i do not have anywhere near 88 computers???

Where do i go from here?


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Re: SOA just never works on any machine i install it on???????
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2014, 11:13:03 AM »
The reason it shows you that you have 88 computers is because by default SOA gets the info from your AD if you are in domain environment. Before you deploy avast! on the clients make sure of the following:
  • The mirror status in avast! SOA->ADMIN->Mirror.
  • On the clients in Control panel->Folder options->View the 'Use sharing wizard' is disabled ("Use simple file sharing" in WinXP)
  • You are using the domain administrator credentials for the deployment job.
Also if it fails, you can try disabling the Windows firewall on the clients just temporary until the deployment is done.
If you want to stop the Deployment job you can restart the "avast! Administration console" service in services.
Please attach the aswRInst.log located in C:\ProgramData\AVAST Software\Administration Console\Logs (C:\Documents and settings\All users\Application Data\AVAST Software\Administration Console\Logs for Windows Server 2003\R2 and WinXP).