Author Topic: Wannacry Warning from Avast; Windows Update Patches Won't Run  (Read 1967 times)

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Offline DrBB01

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Wannacry Warning from Avast; Windows Update Patches Won't Run
« on: September 10, 2017, 03:03:42 AM »
Pardon if I missed an earlier discussion on this particular aspect of Wannacry. If so, please just post a link to the solution. I just obtained a newly reconditioned PC, running Windows 7 x64. I ran Windows Update almost as soon as I got home and got the PC up and running, which identified a number of important and optional updates. I installed all the important ones and several of the optionals and, after several reboots, I installed and ran Avast Free. The Quick Scan came up clean. However, the Wi-Fi scan declared:

"This computer is vulnerable to the popular 'WannaCry' ransomware worm using an attack known as "DoublePulsar" - there is a vulnerability in the Windows file sharing service which allows attackers to remotely take over the PC."

I followed the advice provided and downloaded the "March, 2017 Security Only Quality Update for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems (KB4012212)" from the Microsoft Update Catalog. However, when I tried to run it, I received the message, "This update is not applicable to this computer." On the chance I selected the wrong file, I downloaded and tried to run two other March security updates related to Windows 7 (x64 and x32). I received the same message each time.

At this point, I can't tell if I am getting a false positive from Avast, if I am simply choosing the wrong file to download, or if something has infected the PC that prevents the patch from running. If I missed the post with the solution, please provide a link. If not, I'd appreciate a suggestions on how to proceed from here because I'm feeling both stumped and a bit vulnerable. Thanks in advance.

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Re: Wannacry Warning from Avast; Windows Update Patches Won't Run
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2017, 04:43:29 AM »
You should disable the file sharing on your computer and block the incoming traffic on port 445.

The next possibility is use the router and block the traffic there.

Unfortunately, the EthernalBlue infections are still spread over the world and every computer with the open port 445 connected to the internet is getting the packets from them. Even if they are patched.
PC- Windows10 EDU 64Bit,avast! free 21.1.2449,uBlock Origin,NVT_OSA,GoogleChrome(64bit),CCleaner,Unchecky,ZAM Free,Shadow Defender.
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Re: Wannacry Warning from Avast; Windows Update Patches Won't Run
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2017, 06:29:34 AM »
Thanks. Will block port and see what happens. PC is on a home network, so shutting file sharing would be a big problem.