Author Topic: Problemas de instalacion  (Read 3379 times)

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Problemas de instalacion
« on: July 11, 2016, 12:02:52 AM »
Hola, acabo de adquirir una pc nueva, que cuenta con un disco duro antiguo pero formateado por lo que dudo que el problema se trate de otro antivirus o algo similar, tengo los drivers actualizados y me puedo conectar a internet, no se por que no pueda descargarlo y como causa del problema me aparece [Downloader system error] no tengo idea de que pueda ser mi sistema operativo es windows 8.1 de 64 abajo dejo el informe de instalacion para ver si algo de lo que dice me es util, de antemano gracias

2016-07-10 21:56:07Infoinstcont[228,1100]--
2016-07-10 21:56:07Infoinstcont[228,1100]2016/07/10 21:56:07 START: Avast installer/updater
2016-07-10 21:56:07Infoinstup[228,1100]Command: '"C:\Users\USUARIO\AppData\Local\Temp\\instup.exe"  /cookie:mmm_cnt_dlp_000_119_b /edition:1 /ga_clientid:416e4cb8-d7ef-4591-b00d-63f01dc74c79 /guid:9dffb1aa-99fd-4bb9-bd25-5bebb0b1c56f /prod:ais /sfx:lite /sfxstorage:C:\Users\USUARIO\AppData\Local\Temp\'
2016-07-10 21:56:07Infoinstup[228,1100]CPU: AMD A10-7850K APU with Radeon(TM) R7 Graphics  ,4
2016-07-10 21:56:07Infoinstup[228,1100]OS: Windows 8.1 x64
2016-07-10 21:56:07Infoinstup[228,1100]Memory: 35% load. Phys:4194303/4194303K free, Page:4194303/4194303K free, Virt:4096872/4194176K free
2016-07-10 21:56:07Infoinstup[228,1100]DISKs: C:\ - 156GB free / 200GB total
2016-07-10 21:56:07Infoinstup[228,1100]DISKs: D:\ - 239GB free / 247GB total
2016-07-10 21:56:07Infoinstup[228,1100]DISKs: I:\ - 683GB free / 683GB total
2016-07-10 21:56:07Infoinstup[228,1100]Running module version: instup.exe - '12.1.3076.0'
2016-07-10 21:56:07Infoinstup[228,1100]Running module version: Instup.dll - '12.1.3076.0'
2016-07-10 21:56:07Infosimutex[228,1100]Checking for the mutex ownership.
2016-07-10 21:56:07Infosimutex[228,1100]The mutex is signaled. We are owners of the mutex.
2016-07-10 21:56:07Infoguiwizard[228,1100]Running module version: HTMLayout.dll - ''
2016-07-10 21:56:07Infoguiwizard[228,1100]Loaded module version: C:\Users\USUARIO\AppData\Local\Temp\\HTMLayout.dll - ''
2016-07-10 21:56:07Infoguiwizard[228,1100]Setup gui was successfully started.
2016-07-10 21:56:07Infoinstupcore[228,1100]Sfx setup update has started.
2016-07-10 21:56:07Infoservers[228,1100]Server definition(s) loaded for 'C:\Users\USUARIO\AppData\Local\Temp\\servers.def': 29 (maintenance:0)
2016-07-10 21:56:07Infoservers[228,1100]ChooseServer: selected server 'Download r4205011 AVAST9 Server' with current url '' of type 'URL_TYPE_DOWNLOAD_PROGRAM'.
2016-07-10 21:56:19Errordldwrap[228,1100]HttpGet: An error 41227 (0x0000A10B) [Downloader system error] has occured when downloading a file from ''. Next try: 1
2016-07-10 21:56:19Infoservers[228,1100]ChooseServer: selected server 'Download c9927198 AVAST9 Server' with current url '' of type 'URL_TYPE_DOWNLOAD_PROGRAM'.
2016-07-10 21:56:33Errordldwrap[228,1100]HttpGet: An error 41227 (0x0000A10B) [Downloader system error] has occured when downloading a file from ''. Next try: 2
2016-07-10 21:56:33Infoservers[228,1100]ChooseServer: selected server 'Download z7781486 AVAST9 Server' with current url '' of type 'URL_TYPE_DOWNLOAD_PROGRAM'.
2016-07-10 21:56:46Errordldwrap[228,1100]HttpGet: An error 41227 (0x0000A10B) [Downloader system error] has occured when downloading a file from ''. Next try: 3
2016-07-10 21:56:46Infoservers[228,1100]ChooseServer: selected server 'Download k8056924 AVAST9 Server' with current url '' of type 'URL_TYPE_DOWNLOAD_PROGRAM'.
2016-07-10 21:57:00Errordldwrap[228,1100]HttpGet: An error 41227 (0x0000A10B) [Downloader system error] has occured when downloading a file from ''. Next try: 4
2016-07-10 21:57:00Infoservers[228,1100]ChooseServer: selected server 'Download h1708605 AVAST9 Server' with current url '' of type 'URL_TYPE_DOWNLOAD_PROGRAM'.
2016-07-10 21:57:13Errordldwrap[228,1100]HttpGet: An error 41227 (0x0000A10B) [Downloader system error] has occured when downloading a file from ''. Next try: 5
2016-07-10 21:57:13Infoservers[228,1100]ChooseServer: selected server 'Download p9849275 AVAST9 Server' with current url '' of type 'URL_TYPE_DOWNLOAD_PROGRAM'.
2016-07-10 21:57:27Errordldwrap[228,1100]HttpGet: An error 41227 (0x0000A10B) [Downloader system error] has occured when downloading a file from ''. Next try: 6
2016-07-10 21:57:27Infoservers[228,1100]ChooseServer: selected server 'Download w9120556 AVAST9 Server' with current url '' of type 'URL_TYPE_DOWNLOAD_PROGRAM'.
2016-07-10 21:57:41Errordldwrap[228,1100]HttpGet: An error 41227 (0x0000A10B) [Downloader system error] has occured when downloading a file from ''. Next try: 7
2016-07-10 21:57:41Infoservers[228,1100]ChooseServer: selected server 'Download v4202226 AVAST9 Server' with current url '' of type 'URL_TYPE_DOWNLOAD_PROGRAM'.
2016-07-10 21:57:54Errordldwrap[228,1100]HttpGet: An error 41227 (0x0000A10B) [Downloader system error] has occured when downloading a file from ''. Next try: 8
2016-07-10 21:57:54Infoservers[228,1100]ChooseServer: selected server 'Download v9410769 AVAST9 Server' with current url '' of type 'URL_TYPE_DOWNLOAD_PROGRAM'.
2016-07-10 21:58:08Errordldwrap[228,1100]HttpGet: An error 41227 (0x0000A10B) [Downloader system error] has occured when downloading a file from ''. Next try: 9
2016-07-10 21:58:08Infoservers[228,1100]ChooseServer: selected server 'Download w2920311 AVAST9 Server' with current url '' of type 'URL_TYPE_DOWNLOAD_PROGRAM'.
2016-07-10 21:58:21Errordldwrap[228,1100]HttpGet: An error 41227 (0x0000A10B) [Downloader system error] has occured when downloading a file from ''. Next try: 10
2016-07-10 21:58:21Infoservers[228,1100]ChooseServer: selected server 'Download y2049168 AVAST9 Server' with current url '' of type 'URL_TYPE_DOWNLOAD_PROGRAM'.
2016-07-10 21:58:23Infoservers[228,1100]ChooseServer: selected server 'Download t0530451 AVAST9 Server' with current url '' of type 'URL_TYPE_DOWNLOAD_PROGRAM'.
2016-07-10 21:58:35Errordldwrap[228,1100]HttpGet: An error 41227 (0x0000A10B) [Downloader system error] has occured when downloading a file from ''. Next try: 1
2016-07-10 21:58:35Infoservers[228,1100]ChooseServer: selected server 'Download c9927198 AVAST9 Server' with current url '' of type 'URL_TYPE_DOWNLOAD_PROGRAM'.
2016-07-10 21:58:49Errordldwrap[228,1100]HttpGet: An error 41227 (0x0000A10B) [Downloader system error] has occured when downloading a file from ''. Next try: 2
2016-07-10 21:58:49Infoservers[228,1100]ChooseServer: selected server 'Download k8147566 AVAST9 Server' with current url '' of type 'URL_TYPE_DOWNLOAD_PROGRAM'.
2016-07-10 21:59:02Errordldwrap[228,1100]HttpGet: An error 41227 (0x0000A10B) [Downloader system error] has occured when downloading a file from ''. Next try: 3
2016-07-10 21:59:02Infoservers[228,1100]ChooseServer: selected server 'Download h7993849 AVAST9 Server' with current url '' of type 'URL_TYPE_DOWNLOAD_PROGRAM'.
2016-07-10 21:59:16Errordldwrap[228,1100]HttpGet: An error 41227 (0x0000A10B) [Downloader system error] has occured when downloading a file from ''. Next try: 4
2016-07-10 21:59:16Infoservers[228,1100]ChooseServer: selected server 'Download c9927198 AVAST9 Server' with current url '' of type 'URL_TYPE_DOWNLOAD_PROGRAM'.
2016-07-10 21:59:30Errordldwrap[228,1100]HttpGet: An error 41227 (0x0000A10B) [Downloader system error] has occured when downloading a file from ''. Next try: 5
2016-07-10 21:59:30Infoservers[228,1100]ChooseServer: selected server 'Download g9421556 AVAST9 Server' with current url '' of type 'URL_TYPE_DOWNLOAD_PROGRAM'.
2016-07-10 21:59:43Errordldwrap[228,1100]HttpGet: An error 41227 (0x0000A10B) [Downloader system error] has occured when downloading a file from ''. Next try: 6
2016-07-10 21:59:43Infoservers[228,1100]ChooseServer: selected server 'Download g9355591 AVAST9 Server' with current url '' of type 'URL_TYPE_DOWNLOAD_PROGRAM'.
2016-07-10 21:59:57Errordldwrap[228,1100]HttpGet: An error 41227 (0x0000A10B) [Downloader system error] has occured when downloading a file from ''. Next try: 7
2016-07-10 21:59:57Infoservers[228,1100]ChooseServer: selected server 'Download k8547808 AVAST9 Server' with current url '' of type 'URL_TYPE_DOWNLOAD_PROGRAM'.
2016-07-10 22:00:10Errordldwrap[228,1100]HttpGet: An error 41227 (0x0000A10B) [Downloader system error] has occured when downloading a file from ''. Next try: 8
2016-07-10 22:00:10Infoservers[228,1100]ChooseServer: selected server 'Download r4205011 AVAST9 Server' with current url '' of type 'URL_TYPE_DOWNLOAD_PROGRAM'.
2016-07-10 22:00:24Errordldwrap[228,1100]HttpGet: An error 41227 (0x0000A10B) [Downloader system error] has occured when downloading a file from ''. Next try: 9
2016-07-10 22:00:24Infoservers[228,1100]ChooseServer: selected server 'Download h0356377 AVAST9 Server' with current url '' of type 'URL_TYPE_DOWNLOAD_PROGRAM'.
2016-07-10 22:00:38Errordldwrap[228,1100]HttpGet: An error 41227 (0x0000A10B) [Downloader system error] has occured when downloading a file from ''. Next try: 10
2016-07-10 22:00:38Infoservers[228,1100]ChooseServer: selected server 'Download j5965768 AVAST9 Server' with current url '' of type 'URL_TYPE_DOWNLOAD_PROGRAM'.
2016-07-10 22:00:40Errorpkgengine[228,1100]LoadLatestProdAndParts: download product file 'prod-pgm.vpx' has failed. Status: 41227 (0x0000A10B) [Downloader system error]

Offline gatocan2066

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Re: Problemas de instalacion
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2016, 05:13:41 PM »
Vaya pues me imagino que por lo que sea el instalador online no va.

Pero sabes que existe otro fuera de linea llamado "avast_free_antivirus_setup_offline.exe" que te lo puedes descargar por aqui.

Si el online no funciona este lo hara (el archivo es grande en comparacion al ser fuera de linea ocupa 212MB) pero prueba con el.

Offline gatocan2066

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  • Posts: 96
Re: Problemas de instalacion
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2016, 05:16:17 PM »
Ora cosa que puedes probar que quiza sea eso es permitir el programa de instalacion online del avast por el firewall de windows, tal vez lo bloquea y por eso no puede descargar nada no se me ocurre otra cosa a excepcion del fuera de linea que te comente antes.