Author Topic: W32/Bindo.worm  (Read 2365 times)

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« on: November 06, 2007, 08:11:41 PM »
Hi friends.
Avast does not recognize the W32/Bindo.worm  :'(
How can I get rid of this worm ?

MCAfee seems to recongnize this worm. check


Offline Lisandro

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Re: W32/Bindo.worm
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2007, 10:32:12 PM »
Can you send the samples to ?
You can zip and password the files... Inform a link to this thread and the password used.
You can send the files to Chest and, from there, resend to Alwil for analysis.
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Offline polonus

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Re: W32/Bindo.worm
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2007, 10:36:54 PM »
Hi hamidr86,

Here are the virus's characteristics:
Overview -

Detection for this worm was added to cover against a 32 bit PE file called "soundmax.exe" , having a filesize of 139.264 bytes.
Characteristics -

Detection for this worm was added to cover against a 32 bit PE file called "soundmax.exe" , having a filesize of 139.264 bytes.

The file is not internally compressed with a packer. The file is written using the MSVC++ development tool.

Upon execution, it runs silently, no gui messages appear on the screen.

It immediately copies itself and creates a registry entry so that the worm gets executed automatically upon system start:

    *  HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "SoundMax"
        Data: C:\Program Files\Sound Utility\Soundmax.exe

Besides that it might change the registry with

    *  HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer "Nofolderoptions"
        Data: 01, 00, 00, 00

The worm tries to copy itself to shared drives/folders, such as Kazaa/Limewire but also ICQ shared folders. In these it might copy itself as "Sex_ScreenSaver.scr" and/or "Sex_Game.exe".

There's no exploit associated with it, infection starts with manual execution of the worm.

    * c:\autoply.exe (size: 139.264 bytes)
    *  c:\Documents and Settings\##user##\Local Settings\Temp\svchost.exe(size: 139.264 bytes)
    *  c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\MSshare.exe (size: 139.264 bytes)
    *  c:\Program Files\Sound Utility\Soundmax.exe (size: 139.264 bytes)
    *  c:\WINNT\Web\OfficeUpdate.exe (size: 139.264 bytes)

Besides these it might try to drop/create:
#  c:\Autorun.inf (size: 301 bytes)
# A file called "important.htm" on the desktop, titled Salam - Doste - Man.


Symptoms -

    * Presence of a 32 bit PE file called "soundmax.exe" , having a filesize of 139.264 bytes.
    * Presence of the mentioned registry modifications
    * It might try to drop/create a file called c:\Autorun.inf (size: 301 bytes)
    * It might try to drop/create a file called "important.htm" on the desktop, titled Salam - Doste - Man.


Method of Infection
Method of Infection -

    * The worm tries to copy itself to shared drives/folders, such as Kazaa/Limewire but also ICQ shared folders.
    * There's no exploit associated with it, infection starts with manual execution of the worm.

Removal -
Removal -

All Users:
Use current engine and DAT files for detection and removal.

Modifications made to the system Registry and/or INI files for the purposes of hooking system startup, will be successfully removed if cleaning with the recommended engine and DAT combination (or higher

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