Author Topic: Scan Veeam processes  (Read 1017 times)

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Offline Matteo17

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Scan Veeam processes
« on: November 06, 2023, 03:22:03 PM »
I would like to use Avast Business for Veeam job scans.
Veeam allows this after you have correctly configured the AntivirusInfo.xml file, as described in their guide:
I asked Avast support for help to have the right configuration to put in the file and they provided me with this code which however returns an error on Veeam and after pointing it out to them, I was told that it must work.

Code: [Select]
<AntivirusInfo Name='Avast' IsPortableSoftware='false' ExecutableFilePath='%ProgramFiles%\AVAST Software\Avast\ashCmd.exe' CommandLineParameters='%Path% /a /e=100 /p=0' RegPath='HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\avast! Antivirus' ServiceName='avast! Antivirus' ThreatExistsRegEx='' IsParallelScanAvailable='false'>
<ExitCode Type='Success' Description='No threats detected'>0</ExitCode>
<ExitCode Type='Infected' Description='Threat was detected'>1</ExitCode>
<ExitCode Type='Warning' Description='Access denied'>5</ExitCode>
<ExitCode Type='Warning' Description='Sharing violation - file in use'>32</ExitCode>
<ExitCode Type='Error' Description='Invalid scan parameter specified'>87</ExitCode>
<ExitCode Type='Error' Description='Operation cancelled by user'>42011</ExitCode>
<ExitCode Type='Error' Description='Archive too large to be scanned'>42057</ExitCode>

Can someone help me? Thank you

« Last Edit: November 06, 2023, 03:23:51 PM by Matteo17 »