Author Topic: Potentially dangerous virus threat  (Read 2545 times)

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Potentially dangerous virus threat
« on: September 21, 2004, 04:08:19 PM »
These are logs from an IRC channel
[15:40] <<Name Censored>> i like find new viruses
[15:40] <<Name Censored>> if i didn't have so much work stuff on my PC i would open plenty
[15:40] <<Name Censored>> what viruses
[15:40] <<Name Censored>> ??
[15:40] <<Name Censored>> any viruses :D
[15:41] <<Name Censored>> no
[15:41] <<Name Censored>> ok
[15:41] <<Name Censored>> i can sponsor u 1
[15:41] <<Name Censored>> i wont accept dcc
[15:41] <<Name Censored>> :D
[15:41] <<Name Censored>> it on a floppy sum where
[15:41] <<Name Censored>> if u want your pc 2 go POOOF
[15:41] <<Name Censored>> hang on?

[15:41] <<Name Censored>> disk bomb??
[15:42] <<Name Censored>> lol dont u worry what it clled
[15:42] <<Name Censored>> i highly doubt u will have sumtin 2 stop it
[15:42] <<Name Censored>> lol
[15:42] <<Name Censored>> is okay, i hav 2 pc's :D will install on other one
[15:42] <<Name Censored>> what it does is it runs 1kb pogram
[15:42] <<Name Censored>> :D if s\push comes to shove i will format :D
[15:42] <<Name Censored>> then opens it again
[15:42] <<Name Censored>> keeps on opening
[15:42] <<Name Censored>> it does not show it is running
[15:43] <<Name Censored>> have u checked if it shows in seceruity task manager?
[15:43] <<Name Censored>> it will start running a couple million times
[15:43] <<Name Censored>> how old issit? did u write it uself?
[15:43] <<Name Censored>> your cpu temp will go higher
[15:43] <<Name Censored>> till it blows
[15:43] <<Name Censored>> friend wrote it
[15:43] <<Name Censored>> and it does work

[15:43] <<Name Censored>> not actually, my mainboard shuts off b4 cpu blow :/
[15:43] <<Name Censored>> tested it on a 486
[15:44] <<Name Censored>> it disables all sENSORS
[15:44] <<Name Censored>> lol 486, riiiight, and what kinda over-heat protection does that
[15:44] <<Name Censored>> aaaah
[15:44] <<Name Censored>> sensor disabling, thats a smart idea
[15:44] <<Name Censored>> AND IT CLEVER
[15:44] <<Name Censored>> u try format it rights itself 2 ram
[15:45] <<Name Censored>> wot the virus? have you set it to boot in safe mode?
[15:45] <<Name Censored>> as soon as u finished formating it copys itself back
[15:45] <<Name Censored>> ram flushes after the PC is off for 10 seconds :/
[15:45] <<Name Censored>> does it wite back to the disk when format complete?
[15:45] <<Name Censored>> ye well before u switch off pc it back
[15:45] <<Name Censored>> smart
[15:45] <<Name Censored>> dont worry we tryed everything 2 stop it fromn fuckign up the
[15:45] <<Name Censored>> cant stop it
[15:46] <<Name Censored>> does it run on linux kernel?
[15:46] <<Name Censored>> runs on any file system
[15:46] <<Name Censored>> even in does
[15:46] <<Name Censored>> does not rely on windows 2 run
[15:46] <<Name Censored>> dos
[15:46] <<Name Censored>> DOS
[15:46] <<Name Censored>> *
[15:46] <<Name Censored>> ??
[15:46] <<Name Censored>> hrm
[15:46] <<Name Censored>> i value mah pc a bit to much to lose a CPU, even if i have 2 :D
[15:46] <<Name Censored>> not gonna experiment
[15:47] <<Name Censored>> well as soon as u put in new  1 that goes poof aswell
[15:47] <<Name Censored>> how do you hide it? can u hide the process from security task
[15:48] <<Name Censored>> does not show as it is runnign as a process
[15:48] <<Name Censored>> well the last time we tested it
[15:48] <<Name Censored>> it work
[15:48] <<Name Censored>> ?? security task manager even shows dll's being accessed
[15:48] <<Name Censored>> Remember it does not rely on windows 2 run
[15:49] <<Name Censored>> u can be in dos and it will carry on running
[15:49] <<Name Censored>> how does it boot, if you don't net an OS?
[15:49] <<Name Censored>> bootstrap?
[15:49] <<Name Censored>> boot sector??
[15:50] <<Name Censored>> i dunno if ma friend fixed it that it rightself 2 bios and make
  u not ale 2 flash or acess your bios
[15:50] <<Name Censored>> it fucked up thing
[15:50] <<Name Censored>> what? what about a physical flash?
[15:50] <<Name Censored>> i aint the programmer
[15:50] <<Name Censored>> \i was the 1 trying 2 stop it

[15:51] <<Name Censored>> it puts right protection on the bios

[15:51] <<Name Censored>> pyysical flash dont work
[15:51] <<Name Censored>> if it exists it can be stopped, but like i said, i do actually
  value my PC's will not install summing that will do physical damage
[15:51] <<Name Censored>> chip replacement :D
[15:51] <<Name Censored>> to expensive fo a main board
[15:51] <<Name Censored>> well u will need more than that
[15:51] <<Name Censored>> a hdd replacement
[15:52] <<Name Censored>> how does the file run?

[15:52] <<Name Censored>> unless u wana physicaly format that aswell wit a magnet
[15:52] <<Name Censored>> does it need to be executed
[15:52] <<Name Censored>> i think it sits in ye boot sector
[15:52] <<Name Censored>> i dont know 100%how it works
[15:53] <<Name Censored>> u must ask ma friend
[15:53] <<Name Censored>> he made it over 3 years
[15:53] <<Name Censored>> fixin bugs
[15:53] <<Name Censored>> it attacks too much at once, codes on that scale will be picked
  up by the dumbest of av proggies
[15:54] <<Name Censored>> av programs no longer look for patterns only, but malicious
  code, then thing isn't malicious, its bloody evil :D norton 1984 will detect it :D
[15:55] <<Name Censored>> there was a anti virus  progi that detected
[15:55] <<Name Censored>> even tho it won't be able to identify it, it will note that
  summing not right here :D
[15:55] <<Name Censored>> but could not del it
[15:55] <<Name Censored>> tryed 2 del it
[15:55] <<Name Censored>> and it just copyed itself 2 ram
[15:55] <<Name Censored>> my av proggy scans ram aswell :/
[15:55] <<Name Censored>> its wierd
[15:56] <<Name Censored>> remeber it right protects itself it can be del
[15:56] <<Name Censored>> dude i tryed everything 2 get rid of it
[15:56] <<Name Censored>> cant be del
[15:56] <<Name Censored>> *
[15:56] <<Name Censored>> yeah, but like u sed, u not a coder.
[15:57] <<Name Censored>> i promiss i tryed
[15:57] <<Name Censored>> even pulled out ram while formatting
[15:57] <<Name Censored>> lol did not work 2 well
[15:57] <<Name Censored>> if an av proggy picked it up then....... the ppl that wrote it
  will stop it aswell (the av program)
[15:57] <<Name Censored>> lol
[15:58] <<Name Censored>> it is possible 2 stop it
[15:58] <<Name Censored>> but no one has yet


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Re:Potentially dangerous virus threat
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2004, 10:44:22 PM »
Just Script-kiddies bragging.. -> bullsh.t
-> ignore it
no file -> alwil can't/won't take action ;)