Author Topic: Avast! antivirus program has been stopped, or is in an inconsistent state.  (Read 10270 times)

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  • Guest
Hi there,

I'm getting the above message from my Windows 7 laptop w/ Avast installed.  Clicking the 'start program' link or the 'Fix Now' button at the top of the window does nothing.  I've uninstalled and reinstalled the program to no avail.  I ran HiJackThis with the following results:

<see attached log>

I see a lot of things, but I'm definitely not an expert so don't know what I should look at first.  The (file missing) items seem suspect to me, as they seem like legit files.  Any ideas?  Thanks!!



  • Guest

Then download anew the setup.exe, install again and reboot.

Please report back.


  • Guest
I got it fixed, apparently even though I ran the repair utility, I hadn't rebooted (didn't look like it was needed, but additional research on this forum brought that to light).  It seems to be working now.  Any ideas why this is happening?  Thanks!



  • Guest
HijackThis is useless on Windows 7 systems as it has not been updated properly to support Windows 7.

Its always best to reboot after an un-install.