Again... I didn't get upset. And I didn't start the fight. Re-read my replies in that particular thread again. I was polite and I informed him in polite way. Accusing me that I got upset when I didn't, is nothing else than making me equally responsible for that fight... I don't need that...
I just alarmed the guy not to use too big avatar becaue some of users are still using 640x480 or 800x600 pixels resolution. Think of those people... If they visit his posts they wouldn't be able to see anything ewlse on the screen except his "tiny" avatar - half of their screen...
And btw... for me, clever person is not the one who knows how to choose his battles wisely... clever person is the one that knows how to awoid battles and live in peace...
I guess, no one of us is that clever...we are brave or we are cowards. It's that simple... It's always easier to choose not to involve. You need guts to do that... sometimes person have to stand for his/her rights, especially if he/her was attacked, and especially if there is no one around to help and morally support (just few, I can count them on my left hand fingers, thanks guys/girls)...