Author Topic: pop-up window and more info  (Read 8018 times)

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pop-up window and more info
« on: July 11, 2003, 05:24:03 PM »
When I'm notified of a new update  there's a statement that says *click here for more info*. However, when I click on that link the pop-up window disappears and I see no further information.
Is this normal for the version I have?


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Re:pop-up window and more info
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2003, 04:58:56 AM »

What build of Avast do you have?
You should have 4.0.235 which is the latest one.

Clicking on the blue box and going nowhere was the case before the Avast team decided on where they wanted the user to go and what they wanted displayed.  That has been fixed in the updated version.

Clicking on the information box will now take you to a summary page.

Please check your version, and update the PROGRAM using the function in the A ball icon on the tray.

Any problems updating, let me know.

Good luck :)
« Last Edit: July 12, 2003, 04:30:16 PM by techie101 »


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Re:pop-up window and more info
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2003, 03:03:24 PM »
When I click on the *a* and select About avast, I select the *+* sign next to avast! version 4.0 Home Edition. I now get a drop down of three items; the first of which is *Build: Jun2003-2 (4.0.235).

Also, when I go to !AVS Update, after d/l the package I see the current version is 0306-8.

Also, in the blue *a* I notice a small white circle with a red slash through it, and in the *i*, which of the bottom four options should be selected?

However, the next time the update window appears, I'll try to select the *more info*.

Thank you!


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Re:pop-up window and more info
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2003, 04:42:12 PM »
Also, in the blue *a* I notice a small white circle with a red slash through it, and in the *i*, which of the bottom four options should be selected?

You have the latest program and db updates installed.
Next time you click on the "blue box' you will see a summary page which contains information similar to what you find on the About page.

I am puzzled by the A with the red slash.  Is this the A in the tray?  This would mean that the On Access Control has stopped the 3 providers.
Right click on it, go to the On Access Protection Control and select each of the providers: Internet, Outlook and Standard.  Click on "start"to get them running again.  You may not have to worry about Outlook unless you use MS Exchange or MS Outlook.  That provider is not meant for Outlook Express.

Now, when you pass over the A with the cursor, it should pop up:  3 providers total...2 running.

or.....just restart your computer and the On Access Control will restart the providers.

As for the "i" icon.  I normally leave mine set to generate the VRDB when idle (in case you don't use a screensaver).
Merging the ball with the "a" icon saves room in the tray, but you won't be alerted to when or if the VRDB is generating a new file.
I would not recommend Disabling the VRDB.  The VRDB is essential in restoring your system should a virus cause damage.

Good luck

« Last Edit: July 12, 2003, 04:51:01 PM by techie101 »


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Re:pop-up window and more info
« Reply #4 on: July 12, 2003, 06:27:51 PM »
Hi techie101:...Guess I'm all set now, thanks.

One last question; When I go to On-Access-Scanner, click on the Customize button, under the Advanced tab, should I place a check in the *Show detailed info on performed action*.  Happened to notice that, and there is no check mark in that box.

Thanks again, for your time and information.


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Re:pop-up window and more info
« Reply #5 on: July 12, 2003, 08:09:10 PM »
....When I go to On-Access-Scanner, click on the Customize button, under the Advanced tab, should I place a check in the *Show detailed info on performed action*.  

This is not really necessary at this stage of the game. Until you get more familiar with Avast, leave things pretty much set to the Default.
That particular button just gives more detail on what operations are performed during the scan and any actions the scanner takes in relation to the scan.  Confusing?  So is the detail!  
