As we see here: htxp:// NXDOMAIN N/A
The iFrame redirects to a so-called NXDOMAIN (for malicious or malvertising purposes)
Why NXDOMAIN is bad practice started by big online advertisers/malvertisers you can read here: (link author = admin)
Zombie computers use DNS-changing trojans to invisibly switch the automatic DNS server assignment by the ISP to manual DNS server assignment from rogue DNS servers. (info source: aceplace57) Rogue DNS server
A rogue DNS server translates domain names of desirable websites (search engines, banks, brokers, etc.) into IP addresses of sites with unintended content, even malicious websites. Most users depend on DNS servers automatically assigned by their ISPs. Zombie computers use DNS-changing trojans to invisibly switch the automatic DNS server assignment by the ISP to manual DNS server assignment from rogue DNS servers.[citation needed] When users try to visit websites, they are instead sent to a bogus website. This attack is termed pharming. If the site they are redirected to is a malicious website, masquerading as a legitimate website, in order to fraudulently obtain sensitive information, it is termed phishing.[info aceplace57]