Author Topic: SIREFEF and malware  (Read 11076 times)

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SIREFEF and malware
« on: August 16, 2012, 10:45:33 PM »
I see that there are other posts regarding these viruses, but I don't know very much about computers and don't know if I should follow the directions given to those posters or not since we have different computers. (?)
Anyway, problems started a week after I installed AVG Free edition. I have since uninstalled it and its components ( I think) and installed Avast instead, but every 5 or 10 seconds I am being warned of these 2 main threats: Win32:Sirefef-AHF
Please help me! This is my boyfriend's computer and I feel awful about ruining it :(

MBAM log:

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware (Trial)

Database version: v2012.08.16.10

Windows 7 Service Pack 1 x64 NTFS
Internet Explorer 9.0.8112.16421
Matt :: MATT-PC [administrator]

Protection: Enabled

8/16/2012 1:34:52 PM
mbam-log-2012-08-16 (13-34-52).txt

Scan type: Quick scan
Scan options enabled: Memory | Startup | Registry | File System | Heuristics/Extra | Heuristics/Shuriken | PUP | PUM
Scan options disabled: P2P
Objects scanned: 197625
Time elapsed: 3 minute(s), 24 second(s)

Memory Processes Detected: 0
(No malicious items detected)

Memory Modules Detected: 0
(No malicious items detected)

Registry Keys Detected: 0
(No malicious items detected)

Registry Values Detected: 0
(No malicious items detected)

Registry Data Items Detected: 0
(No malicious items detected)

Folders Detected: 0
(No malicious items detected)

Files Detected: 2
C:\Windows\Installer\{792f4199-0b73-e2f4-7b46-706eb422a6b8}\U\00000008.@ (Trojan.Dropper.BCMiner) -> Quarantined and deleted successfully.
C:\Windows\Installer\{792f4199-0b73-e2f4-7b46-706eb422a6b8}\U\000000cb.@ (Rootkit.0Access) -> Quarantined and deleted successfully.


Offline magna86

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Re: SIREFEF and malware
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2012, 10:51:50 PM »
Monitoring  8)

Offline magna86

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Re: SIREFEF and malware
« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2012, 11:04:15 PM »
I will be working on your Malware issues  ;)

Multiple Antivirus Programs

You are running more than 1 Antivirus program!

AV: AVAST Software
AV: AVG Technologies

Running - more than one - antivirus program is not recommended because:[list=1]
  • They can conflict with each other.
  • Report the other antivirus software as malicious.
  • Antivirus programs use an enormous amount of computer's resources... actively scanning your computer.
  • Can cause your computer to become slowly and even, in rare cases, BSOD crash...etc
I strongly suggest you uninstall one of them.  Which one, is your decision.

Then, download uninstaller tool from here for AntiVirus that you decide to remove:


Removal - step1

Download AVZ Antiviral Toolkit from the following link:

  • Extract the archive to a folder.
  • Run AVZ [/color] (double click on icon);

  • Click on File > Custom Scripts ;

  • In the new window that opens, Copy/Paste everything inside the field code:

    Code: [Select]

    ShowMessage('AVZ will automatically close all network connections' + #13#10 + 'After the computer restarts the network connection will be restored automatically');
    ExecuteFile('net.exe', 'stop tcpip /y', 0, 15000, true);
    if not IsWOW64
       SearchRootkit(true, true);
    DeleteFileMask('C:\Windows\Installer\{792f4199-0b73-e2f4-7b46-706eb422a6b8}', '*', true);
    DeleteFileMask('C:\Users\Matt\AppData\Local\{792f4199-0b73-e2f4-7b46-706eb422a6b8}', '*', true);
    DeleteFileMask('%Tmp%' , '*.*' , true) ;

    • Click the Run and wait to execute the script.

    Step 2

    Re-run OTL, click on RunScan and attach here fresh OTL.txt log


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Re: SIREFEF and malware
« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2012, 03:57:32 AM »
Hi! thanks for helping!
I thought I unintalled AVG and all of it's components?! Uh-oh. Can you see that in the logs I posted? I want to keep Avast so I will try the steps you listed, but I am still confused about having AVG on the comp still...I mean, I removed it BECAUSE I think the virus came from it since this computer had been used for over a year with no antivirus software on it, and one week after AVG is installed is when the craziness begins!

Offline Pondus

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Re: SIREFEF and malware
« Reply #4 on: August 17, 2012, 08:21:54 AM »
run AVG removal tool so that all leftover files are gone


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Re: SIREFEF and malware
« Reply #5 on: August 17, 2012, 08:33:09 AM »
Ok, so I ran the AVG removal tool again...a couple of times, actually. Still not sure if all traces of it are gone though.
The new Log is attached :)

Offline magna86

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Re: SIREFEF and malware
« Reply #6 on: August 17, 2012, 01:48:40 PM »
Ok, i will remove AVG remains ...


  • Run AVZ   (double click on icon);

  • Click on File > Custom Scripts ;

  • In the new window that opens, Copy/Paste everything inside the field code:

Code: [Select]

ExecuteFile('net.exe', 'stop tcpip /y', 0, 15000, true);
if not IsWOW64
   SearchRootkit(true, true);
QuarantineFile('C:\Program Files (x86)\Yontoo\YontooIEClient.dll','');
DeleteFile('C:\Program Files (x86)\Yontoo\YontooIEClient.dll');
DeleteFileMask('C:\Program Files (x86)\AVG', '*', true);
DeleteFileMask('C:\Users\Matt\AppData\Local\AVG Secure Search', '*', true);
DeleteFileMask('C:\Program Files (x86)\Yontoo', '*', true);
DeleteDirectory('C:\Program Files (x86)\AVG');
DeleteDirectory('C:\Users\Matt\AppData\Local\AVG Secure Search');
DeleteDirectory('C:\Program Files (x86)\Yontoo');
DeleteFileMask('%Tmp%' , '*.*' , true) ;

  • Click the Run and wait to execute the script.

> Download ComboFix from here and save it to your Desktop.
If you are unsure how ComboFix works please read this guide carefully.
note: ComboFix must be downloaded to your Desktop.

> Temporarily disable your AntiVirus program.
If you are unsure how to do this please read this Instruction.

How to disable avast:

  • Right-click on the avast! icon in the lower right corner of the screen and choose Open Avast! User Interface.
  • In the window that opens on the top right corner, click Settings.
  • In a new window that opens, choose the option Troubleshooting, Uncheck Enable avast! self-defense, and click OK.

  • Right-click on the avast! icon in the lower right corner of the screen and select avast! shield controls .
  • In the menu that appears, choose Disable Permanently. When you are prompted to turn off security, click Yes.
Note: Do not forget to turn on this option after the cleaning.

> Run ComboFix. Click on I Agree!
ComboFix will check if there is a newer version of ComboFix available.
Click Yes if prompted to download.

Click Yes to allow ComboFix to continue.

If Recovery Console is not installed, ComboFix will offer download & installation.
Click Yes to allow ComboFix to install Recovery Console.
Note:Do not mouse-click Combofix's window while it is running.

> When the tool is finished, it will produce a log report for you. (typical location: C:\ComboFix.txt )
  Attach log reports ( ComboFix.txt) back to topic.

« Last Edit: August 17, 2012, 01:52:55 PM by magna86 »


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Re: SIREFEF and malware
« Reply #7 on: August 17, 2012, 06:43:38 PM »
I followed the steps I can't click on anything (including the internet) to send the log to you. I get a bunch of crazy messages saying they have been removed. I am using a diff computer now. Did Combofix kill my computer?? :(


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Re: SIREFEF and malware
« Reply #8 on: August 17, 2012, 06:47:51 PM »
Everything I try to click on now (even Combofix) says "illegal operation on a registry key that has been marked for deletion"
OMG...please help. Now I'm really freaking out...

Offline magna86

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Re: SIREFEF and malware
« Reply #9 on: August 17, 2012, 07:42:45 PM »
Did you try to restart your computer?  :)
Don't freak out, just reboot your computer and error will gone.
Attach here  C:\Combofix.txt

Offline Pondus

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Re: SIREFEF and malware
« Reply #10 on: August 17, 2012, 07:54:23 PM »
magna......maybe you should have in the instructions "reboot twice" after combofix run     ;)


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Re: SIREFEF and malware
« Reply #11 on: August 17, 2012, 07:56:31 PM »
LOL...all is well. Freaking out is good sometimes because the feeling you have when you realize it's fine afterall is f***ing AMAZING!
Okay, reboot went great but Log is gone. Can I rerun Combofix? I searched entire computer for that log. Should have ctrl-C'd first, huh?

Offline magna86

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Re: SIREFEF and malware
« Reply #12 on: August 17, 2012, 08:07:09 PM »
LOL...all is well. Freaking out is good sometimes because the feeling you have when you realize it's fine afterall is f***ing AMAZING!

Admit it, I've saved you  ;D
I dont want to scare you again with Combofix (I think we will not need CF anymore), so, just do the following.

    Re-run OTL. Make sure all other windows are closed and to let it run uninterrupted.
  • Click on Scan All Users
  • Paste this into Custom Scans/Fixes box at the bottom

Code: [Select]


  • Click the Run Scan button. Do not change any settings unless otherwise told to do so. The scan wont take long.
    • When the scan completes, it will open two notepad windows. OTL.Txt and Extras.Txt. These are saved in the same location as OTL.
    • Please attach them in this thread.


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Re: SIREFEF and malware
« Reply #13 on: August 17, 2012, 08:21:29 PM »
You totally saved me.
Is there a bowing/subservient emoticon for this? lmao :D
I jumped the gun and ran combo again before i read your reply. Attached is the log...
and soon I will do the other steps (at work now, so my attention is incremental. lol sorry)

Offline magna86

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Re: SIREFEF and malware
« Reply #14 on: August 17, 2012, 08:31:08 PM »
Hehe, you are some brave girl...  :D
No need for OTL now  :)

Malware hase been removed. Just some quick fix-es...

Open notepad and copy/paste the text present inside the code box below:

Code: [Select]

c:\program files (x86)\Yontoo
c:\program files (x86)\Common Files\AVG Secure Search




@Denied: (A 2) (Everyone)
@Denied: (A 2) (Everyone)
@="Shockwave Flash Object"
@="c:\\Windows\\SysWOW64\\Macromed\\Flash\\Flash32_11_3_300_271.ocx, 1"
@Denied: (A 2) (Everyone)
@="Macromedia Flash Factory Object"
@="c:\\Windows\\SysWOW64\\Macromed\\Flash\\Flash32_11_3_300_271.ocx, 1"
@Denied: (A 2) (Everyone)
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Office\Common\Smart Tag\Actions\{B7EFF951-E52F-45CC-9EF7-57124F2177CC}]
@Denied: (A) (Everyone)
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Schema Library\ActionsPane3]
@Denied: (A) (Everyone)
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Schema Library\ActionsPane3\0]
"Location"="c:\\Program Files (x86)\\Common Files\\Microsoft Shared\\VSTO\\ActionsPane3.xsd"
@Denied: (A) (Users)
@Denied: (A) (Everyone)
@Allowed: (B 1 2 3 4 5) (S-1-5-20)
@Denied: (A) (Users)
@Denied: (A) (Everyone)
@Allowed: (B 1 2 3 4 5) (S-1-5-20)
@Denied: (A) (Users)
@Denied: (A) (Everyone)
@Allowed: (B 1 2 3 4 5) (S-1-5-20)
@Denied: (Full) (Everyone)

Save this as CFScript.txt

Close all browser windows and refering to the picture above.

Referring to the screenshot above, drag CFScript.txt into ComboFix.exe.
ComboFix will will re-run. When finished, it will produce a log for you.
Attach the contents of the log in your next reply. (typical location: C:\ComboFix.txt )