So I seem to be having issues with AVAST! Free AntiVirus Software and Pro Antivirus Software.
I run Windows 7 Ultimate
So to start with the first problem, it's with free antivirus software. I know I should probably download the pro first, but just hear me out. So free antivirus software has this issue where it says that the "programs has stopped or is in an inconsistent state." I've looked up how to stop this problem but nothing works! I've tried repairing it, uninstalling and re installing and the ASW Utility uninstall method and nothing works! It just keeps on giving me the same problem, I don't know what to do!
So here comes the second problem, I decide to download Pro Antivirus instead, maybe that should work right? Wrong. Not only do I get the same issue with the free version, but now, for some reason, my keyboard refuses to work!? My mouse works fine, but now my keyboard stopped, and it's not the keyboard itself, I tried another one and the same issue arises. These are USB keyboards btw. I went to the drivers and found out that avast put some driver inside the keyboard and now it prevents me from using it. Of course, I uninstall it and it works fine again. I don't know what to do!
Please I need an solution to this problem, I really want this program to work cause viruses are messing me up. Can anyone help me?