Author Topic: Avast! Firewall Causing WoW Latency Help!  (Read 3968 times)

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Avast! Firewall Causing WoW Latency Help!
« on: November 06, 2012, 03:24:33 PM »

I was just on the phone with Blizzards technical support and they asked me if I had any firewalls running because I have been experiencing extremely high latency and packet loss.

I told him I had windows firewall off, but not Avasts so he told me to allow World of Warcraft through that firewall but didn't tell me exactly how to do that and I can't find how to do that anywhere :(

Can anyone help me?

Thanks in Advance!


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Re: Avast! Firewall Causing WoW Latency Help!
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2012, 03:13:58 PM »

Saw this post while googling why my WOW latency was so high, and it seems that AVAST was causing it.  The most simple thing to do is to just make sure nothing is accessing the internet while you play WOW and to simply disable avast firewalls while you're playing. You can do this by right clicking the icon in the tray, selecting avast! shields control and then choosing how long you want to deactivate the firewalls. I noticed a huge drop, where I was previously sitting on a latency of 300ms - 3000ms I'm not at 40ms-90ms.

Hope this helps!


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Re: Avast! Firewall Causing WoW Latency Help!
« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2012, 04:17:31 PM »
Lol....................If your playing WOW and can connect to it then its already allowed. WOW has always had high latency. Been playing it for years. Go into the firewall settings of Avast and you will see its allowed. I highly doubt Avast is causing your issues. Do a speed test and check your ISP.