Author Topic: recieved limited access on wireless network aftare uninstalling, Help ASAP  (Read 1739 times)

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hi i have avast 7 free
currently running windows 7 64bit as an admin
decided to remove avast so i used the remover toolkit provided in the website itself and uninstalled the product in safemode
everything went fine and the path specified was removed completely
but when i tried to connect to my wireless network i encountered limited access warning.
due to a search attempt in internet i found out this is a common problem when uninstalling antiviruses and there is an easy fix for it via cmd prompt (i already experienced some sort of similar problem after removing avg,since it started to mess around with my lan port and wireless port both together, but after using a remover toolkit, i successfully got rid of this that was the reason why i used the remover toolkit this time too)

but surprisingly, it seems that the uninstallation process completeley messed up my whole internet card and settings. since it doesnt even recognize any command such as ping or netsh int in a simple cmd window and it just works when i run it as admin

i tried "netsh int ip reset c:\resetlog.txt" via admin access to fix it and everything showed OK! to me
but after restart, i faced the limited access error again
later i found some avast stuff filter devices under my network hardwares in device manager, that seemed to escape the uninstallation process somehow
i also contacted my network provider and got no help except fix ur ping ip stuff
also restoring my windows didnt help either

getting no results made me download and install avast again in order to fix the guffs in installation somehow
but surprisingly, i see nothing in registry and i expected to see those filters in device manager too, but i see nothing

but still nothing changed
also i tried netsh int after installation (by admin) too....but no help

i tried to remove my network connections in control panel and without any reason i got a blue screen saying ur computer shut down to prevent the damage!! (wtf?!)

i want u to make sure there is absolutely no problem with my network since its working smoothly with all of the other devices i own in my flat (lappy, tablet, mobile). this problem happened right after i uninstalled avast so this app is at fault

please give me an answer about how to clean this mess ASAP please.

and damn, i forgot to take snapshots...
« Last Edit: December 25, 2012, 10:24:59 PM by zegond »