HI my desktop computer has been acting silly these days. A while back when I quite a boot time scan I found out that when I booted back to the desktop security center alerted me that I should check my security so I did and I found out my firewall had been turned off by itsself so I turned windows firewall back on. It has only done this once so far. a few times when I click on some folders an error message would come up saying that a file cannot be found. Sometimes my computer is really slow and sometimes my browser will not respond or my computer will freeze for no reason. So that is why I would like to have a malware expert check the following logs for a virus. I have done repeated scans with avast free 7 lasted version and it has found nothing so far.
here is some info that might help:
Windows Vista
avast free 7 7.0.1474
ps Sorry for the mistake I posted in the wrong section.
I would also like to mention that I am only an intermediate computer user I have no advanced computer knowledge of any kind.