Well the 92, range would be massive covering many different entities, ISP/Host/Domain, even avast has one such IP in the 92.x.x.x range, so any ban would have to related to the second part of the IP and beyond.
I added two bans earlier today that were 92.x.x.x but that really shouldn't be an issue, so I feel that there is something else going on.
There are no ban triggers on the 92.14. range, so that shouldn't be the issue. I doubt it would be the email address as that is somewhat unique and shouldn't be effected in any wildcard string. I'm just looking at the registration IP and pinkcloud is only one registered on that and there is no ban on that IP or any even close.
So I'm at a loss as to what is happening, which is why the screenshot would help if there is actually a ban notice displayed when pinkcloud tries to log in.
My suggestion to Paul_D is have pinkcloud try to log on and do a screen capture of the notice that is displayed and give you a copy of the saved screenshot. Hopefully when you post that it will help narrow down the problem.
EDIT: Just seen a remnant of craigb's investigation so I have actually deleted that ban entry from the database. This however, that wouldn't have been the earlier problem and checking the profile (even with that entry) it wasn't showing up as banned.