There's more to this than I originally thought. On my WinXP desktop, the streaming connection is shown as established and yesterday evening and today has been receiving streaming updates. It is connected via ethernet to the router.
This Win7 laptop is connected to the same router via WiFi. It's receiving VPS updates fine, but has had problems receiving streaming updates. It often shows streaming as not connected, but even when it shows connected no updates were received. Yesterday, I deleted all Avast rules from AIS firewall and rebooted. I then received streaming updates for 130215-1 VPS and had solid streaming connection for the rest of the evening. This morning on powerup, Avast updated to 130216-0 VPS. There is no streaming connection, nor have any streaming updates been received on this laptop while the desktop machine has received over 40 streaming updates today. Both machines are powered down at night, and the laptop is shut down often during the day, either manually or due to power settings. I have also done an Avast repair which didn't help this issue.