Managed version - avast! Enterprise Administration console (AEA) for avast! Endpoint Protection Suite: NOTE: The AEA console (ADNM2) is for more complicated networks. If you are using ADNM now, you already know 90% of AEA, as it is the same reliable code from ADNM, with the added features of the avast! 7 net client. There are very few differences from ADNM, such as the combining of Computer Catalog and Task Management modules into the same location. During installation, you are prompted for choice of SQL 2008 R2 Express, or use existing install of SQL. If you have either SQL 2005 or SQL 2008, you can use same instance, but a NEW database will be required, as new modules are supported. Both ADNM and AEA can exist simultaneously. Net client uninstalls existing avast net client vs. 4, and installs new client. After AEA installs, it is recommended to unplug Internet before deploying the new client. That way you are not online during this moment when there is no A/V protection. The avast! 7 net client does require a reboot after installation, so be prepared for this. Each avast! Enterprise Administration Server (AEAS) can manage 1000 systems. Full SQL is required for the “Replication Service” to support multiple AEAS (to support 1000+ systems) There is no migration path currently that will use the existing database.
In a new AEA installation, the default firewall rules configured automatically are:
avast! ADNM Agent access: TCP 16111
avast! ADNM AMS discovery: UDP 6000
avast! ADNM Cisco NAC access: TCP 16103
avast! ADNM Console access: TCP 16102
avast! ADNM Mirror access: TCP 5033
But, you need:
AEA Mirror: TCP 16135
AEA Client Communication Port: TCP 16136
AEA Client Communication Port: TCP 16139
And you have to configure these manually in the Windows Firewall.
Standalone installer for client and server for avast! Endpoint Protection Suite: I like to custom install my servers. The only real protection required for file servers is the File System Shield (assumes not being used as a workstation). Use the SharePoint shield also, if you are using SharePoint.
Call me if you have any questions.
J.R. Guthrie
Advantage Micro Corporation