Consumer Products > Avast Free Antivirus / Premium Security (legacy Pro Antivirus, Internet Security, Premier)

Tons of errors in Event Viewer.



For the past ten days-or-so I've been getting error messages about  every web site I visit with Firefox.  These appear in the Antivirus section of Windows Enent Viewer.

I've scanned for malware with everything in my arsenal, including the kitchen sink, and my PC appears to be squeaky clean. I'm running XP/SP2.

The PC seems to be running ok, but these persistent messages are becoming a concern.

Any thoughts? Thanks.

It means avast couldn't open that file because it was in use (in TEMP directory, so it can happen quite often) - just ignore these errors (with 6E code).

That's a relief.

Thanks, pk.

If those 6E code can be ignored, is it then possible to exclude them from being written to the log file?

I thin these kind of messages, specially from a AV application make people nerves and can give the impressin the AV software is not doing it's job.

Sure, it's really a bug (the entries shouldn't be in the log at all). (Please see e.g. )
BTW pk's post doesn't make any sense - these are avast's files. :)



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