Can you try to repair your installation?
Go to Control Panel > Add/Remove programs > avast! antivirus > Remove
Then choose Repair function in the popup window (Repair).
You must be connected to the internet while repairing.
If this does not help, can you uninstall / boot / install / boot again?
I still have the problem. After I read your posting this is what I did:
(1) I ran ADD/REMOVE PROGRAMS but the Avast entry failed to work. XP said there was a problem and did I want to remove the Avast entry from Add/Remove. So couldn't do a repair as you suggested. Nor could I do an uninstall.
(2) I used standalone removal tool aswclear2.exe which I downloaded from the website.
My aswclear2.exe said: Copyright (C) 2003 Alwil Software; Description: avast! Removal; v; 197 KB (201,808 bytes)
And these are the results of running aswclear2.exe:
Resident protection - Removed
Mail protection - Removed
Explorer extensions - Removed
Registry - Removed
Program files - Removed
avast!4 was successfully removed
Although it says "Registry - Removed" above I still found several registry keys with "Avast" in them. But I left them alone.
(3) I rebooted.
(4) Then I downloaded a new copy of Avast and installed it. No icon in system tray.
(5) I rebooted again.
But I have no system tray icon.
So I ran Avast External Control and selcted the Tweaker option where I made sure Show Tray Icon was selected (and a few other options). I permitted it to stop and then start Avast. This got my system tray icon back.
But when I rebooted I had no icon in the system tray.
Can you suggest what to do now?
When I booted I got Windows Explorer showing me the System32 folder. Microsoft says this is due to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run having an empty entry. See
I mentioned in my original post that I have an Avast entry there which is called
avast! and its data value is
"". Is this normal?