Thanks for putting the final nail in your own coffin, and pushing me to another anti virus program! The rest of the sheep you call customers may be ok with the fact that you not only slip new software onto their computers without any warning whatsoever, but enable the new software and allow it to run. Its MY computer, NOT yours, and YOU dont install and enable a DAMN THING on my system without my knowledge and permission. The majority of people in the world may be too lazy and/or stupid to keep their own systems up to date, but to install a software updater that has NOTHING to do with anti virus, then enable it and run it on first reboot.... without my permission? 1st system was set to update automatically, updater installed silently without notification or permission. Just updated 2nd system manually with same result. NO WARNING of avast not only installing a "software updater"... but activating it and allowing it to run in the background trying to update ALL of my software programs! MAJOR FAIL!!
I had my system set to auto update, and it updated from avast 7 to avast 8. Now I had a "software updater" that automatically runs int he background and updates ALL of my software. This was not only installed, but TURNED ON AND RUNNING WITHOUT MY CONSENT! So YES... you DID slip this in! THIS is why avast now disgusts me more than I can say! I used to promote avast to all my clients, now... I will promote ANY OTHER a/v other than avast!