I've recently updated Avast to the Version 8 software and I seem to be getting an error when Outlook 2010 initially starts. Per the change in SSL/TLS settings, as described in the Avast popup window, I have set Outlook to use TLS, where before it was set to none and Avast was handling the SSL/TLS. In addition I have multiple accounts setup in Outlook and the only account it seems to be failing for is the IMAP account, as indicated by the folder synchronization error below.
Whenever Outlook is closed and I open the program, only initially do I get the following error:
"'Task 'Synchronizing subscribed folders for ***.' reported error (0x800CCC0E) : 'Outlook cannot synchronize subscribed folders for ***. Error: Cannot connect to the server. If you continue to receive this message, contact your server administrator or Internet service provider (ISP)."
If I hit the send/receive button when Outlook is already open it looks like the process works correctly and doesn't give me an error, so it looks like I only get this when I initially startup Outlook.
Additionally when I temporarily disable Avast and then open Outlook the error does not appear.
Outlook is set to use the following ports: IMAP: 143, SMTP:25
The option to scan SSL connections in the mail shield is also checked.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.