Avast took a complete miss step into the worrying kind of nanny software that it used to guard against with this update. You need to give users the option to not install these kind of modules. They are obtrusive and irritating. They will do more harm than good.
Please stop going down this road of Norton-ifying what was once one of the least bothersome and light AV softwares.
Harmonica, unless you have some help or advice to offer for the OP then please stop trolling.
craigb, Harmonica is not trolling. Avast is the best AV software I've ever used, bar none. But lately it's become bloated and sluggish, headed in the direction of a lot of previously well regarded software. I was going to mention this before but decided instead to be "nice". Then I realized that keeping quiet is what Harmonica and I would do if we didn't care about the product. We'd just go away. I hope the developers are listening, because I don't want to have to switch to something that doesn't work as well. Maybe if enough people tell the truth the company would return to basics, which is the only way it's going to last. If you don't believe me, name just one AV product that got big and stayed that way. Then think about the reasons none of them did.
Honestly, it's not trolling, it's constructive criticism.