Datagg, do you have any dumps from the Firefox crashes? What does Firefox look like when it crashes, anyway...? I have never seen this happen I mean, does it use the standard Windows error reporting dialog box?
Yes it does show the Standard - Send report - then shuts down browser.....
Before I disabled Shield, I took a screen shot of 1 instance of 40 + that had the same log vie event viewer also discussed this in firefox forums. They are bafled also. Some suggest i reinstal firefox.exe, some said to recreate a profile and delete all extensions.
Anyways, its a fresh version of fox, no priors. Anyways to reinerate, when shieled is down firefox will not crash & another situation is not to lose interent and have to reboot machine...
Lukor says those dumps looked odd, sure would love to hear why. I wish I could fire the shield back up , yet the problems that were occuring were to much. Mailnly because of my online Miva control panel. I would be updating, and before I could update new info, it would crash. To let you know a bit more on the miva panel. Its a https/ web control panel via my admin rights. What I do is log in, at this point firefox would crash, sometimes I get through. Anyways, if i get through i begin to do my html or whatever via the panels. Each new thing I do , I have to update, then new stuff saved to cgi. The day i lost some serious work, when update was pressed and fox crashed, thats when I disabled shield to try to find some kind of solution. That did the trick, I logged back in with no problems, still cautious though to update quicker. Been a week now, no problems.
The other instance via panel that was happenign prior to shield is sporadic internet disruptions that demanded a reboot to re-establish. Allthough this didnt happen as much as the crashes did, they happened at the worst times.
Im soory for the re synapse of what mentioned. I just wanted to clarify a few instances on it, especially since the https info came up.......
I appreciate all the help guys.. You all are great....