In my case, I'm afraid it is. Here's my situation:
1. While trying to play GuildWars2, I keep getting disconnected from time to time. I thought it was a problem with their servers. So, I didn't look into it further.
2. Then, my own websites started giving me timeouts, which was strange as I could see their uptime and verify that the server was actually running and visitors could retrieve the requested pages. At the same time, I could access other websites. I started looking into avast as it gave me severe latency problems before upgrading to Windows 10.
3. The next time I got timeouts from my websites (same IP address), I tried pinging them and I received the "request time out" message. I immediately connected my laptop on the same router and, lo and behold, while my desktop was giving me timeouts, my laptop had no problem pinging my websites.
4. I shut down avast's shields while receiving timeouts and they immediately turned into regular pings. I then reactivated avast's shields but, fortunately, the connection persisted.
So, the question is why would avast do that? It seems to randomly block and then release specific IPs. Is there some setting that might cause that or is it due to a bug? Please, let me know if you manage to get to the bottom of this weird problem.