Aventador, this IS an issue. A big one. It's not that Chrome is a problem. It's that it's being installed without our permission and without any option to tell it "no". It took my laptop AN HOUR AND A HALF to do the installation before it finally completed, with no way to back out of it and tell Avast to install without Chrome. Were that my only computer and had I relied on it for work, I'd have lost an hour and a half worth of income. Others here have also stated that the installation tied up their computers for a ridiculously long time.
You have at least a dozen people in this thread telling you the same thing: Chrome installed with no option to say "no" and without user permission. I also have installed Avast quite a few times; I've been using it for many, many years, since it first hit the market. It is just the latest version of Avast which is doing this.
The problem is not that it is "Chrome". As stated, I use Chrome as my default browser on all computers in my house -- BUT I do it by choice, not forced upon me in an installation I did not want and had no option to cancel.
You have people here with Windows 8, Windows 7 and Vista all telling you the same thing. It sounds like most of them, like myself, are not newbies to computers, install processes or Avast.
Yes, changing default browsers takes five seconds. Installing software without permission and without giving the user the option to say no, however, should be a crime. Tying up what should have been a ten minute installation for an hour and a half, taking time away from peoples' work day, when those people had no clue this was going to happen nor were they given a choice is wrong.
I believe the reason you are not seeing the problem is that you already have Chrome installed. When I installed Avast on the new laptop, I had installed Chrome first. It did not tie up my computer for a long time on that machine. On the re-installation on the old laptop, however, it did install Chrome (it was not on that system yet and, since I was just installing Avast because I wanted to run the machine through tests before putting any other software on it, I had no intention of installing Chrome till later). Try installing Avast on a system which does NOT have Chrome already installed. You may just find yourself eating crow.
We are not making a mountain out of a mole-hill. You are making a mole-hill out of a mountain.