It works today! When I turned my PC on today, I got the message that the virus database was updated. When I clciked on the eicar link that was giving me problems yesteday, the message box is totally different and only gives me the abort button. Also, it doesn't open the zip files first and wait till it gets to the file. Yesterday, I was also able to open the 2nd I believe. It would show the text of eicar in the browser. Today, I get the warning. Was there a change in the update I received today which fixed it?
Vlk, yesterday the command window was opening but it wasn't closing. It just opened and then another avast warning box came up. The same one that came up before the command window opened. I don't recall seeing "Access Denied" anywhere and I had to close out the command window with the close button. I am running XP Home SP2. Thanks.