I successfully ran a deployment task from the EAC to another server (we'll call it the client henceforth). Avast is up and running without issue, but there's no communication with the client.
The server and client are on the same VLAN, no firewalls enabled on either, and everything else between the two works fine. I have a valid license for 20 clients, but only have pushed 2.
The following is in View -> Show EAS Logs -> Server
[2014/03/31 11:01:23.592,1528] Unable to obtain object by its name, error 0x0000A410
[2014/03/31 11:01:23.592,1528] sqlFreeConnection with fReturnToPool=false (error handler)
[2014/03/31 11:01:23.592,1528] SQL Server connection has been destroyed...
[2014/03/31 11:01:41.841,1528] Client 0x0207F4D8 idle
[2014/03/31 11:01:50.950,1368] Checking clients connection status....
[2014/03/31 11:01:54.466,1528] Task started using the 0x006F2D66 session
[2014/03/31 11:01:54.466,1528] New connection to SQL server has been created...
[2014/03/31 11:01:56.013,3596] Some client requests connection...
[2014/03/31 11:01:58.497,1528] Engine is not handled, probably out of licenses...
[2014/03/31 11:01:58.497,1528] sqlFreeConnection with fReturnToPool=false (error handler)
[2014/03/31 11:01:58.497,1528] SQL Server connection has been destroyed...
[2014/03/31 11:01:59.309,1528] Unable to load 0x08X task, error 0x006F2D66...
[2014/03/31 11:02:00.497,2120] Removing socket 0x00000590 after MSG_DISCONNECT
[2014/03/31 11:02:00.497,1528] MSG_DISCONNECT processing...
My two clients both show a trial period and have none of the settings configured for them.
Any thoughts?