To disable the avast! services:
1) Start the Services Manager. You'll find it on the Start Menu listed as Services. I can't say with certainty where, but I think it's on a submenu called System Tools.
2) Look for avast! Antivirus and avast! iAVS4 Control Service in the list of services. You probably only need to bother with the former, but disabling both won't hurt.
3) Double-click on the name to bring up its Properties Box.
4) Click on the down arrow for the Startup type list box, select Disabled, click on the OK command button, and close the window. After rebooting, the service will not be running.
5) After the problem is solved, restore the service's startup type to Automatic.
6) If it isn't listed, avast! is not running as a service, and it's probably running as an application listed in the Start Menu's Startup submenu. Move the shortcut to the desktop.
6a) It will probably be easier for her to rename the shortcut, although this will cause an error message during the reboot, but she won't have to edit the Start Menu to restore the shortcut afterward. Right-click on the name to bring up the Context Menu, select Rename, press the End key, the Backspace and the Enter keys to delete the last letter of the name.
If you want to boot in Safe Mode and delete the file, you can use the /x switch with the DIR command. This causes it to display the path and filename in the 8.3 format.