Author Topic: Got Blue Screen After Updating to the Latest Avast Version? PLEASE READ!  (Read 32352 times)

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Offline Lisandro

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Is there something else I can do?

Can you see if in the folder \windows\minidump there is any .mdmp file?
If so, can you send the newest (recent) .mdmp files for analysis?
Better if you can compress (zip) them and add some information about the BSOD and the link for this thread.  ;)

Send an email to any of these addresses:
vlk (at)
rypacek (at)

Or upload to the any of these anonymous ftp servers:
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Can you see if in the folder \windows\minidump there is any .mdmp file?

I don't even have that folder.  I don't even have any .mdmp files on my computer, so I can't help you there.

As I mentioned before, the problem doesn't happen all the time.  Only when:

1.  I right click a file and try to do a virus scan on the particular folder/file.
2.  I do a thourough scan with the scan archives checked.

Hope that helps you guys.  Look forward to hearing from ya!

Offline Lisandro

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1.  I right click a file and try to do a virus scan on the particular folder/file.
Which file? Which folder? Can you post here the full path of them?

2.  I do a thourough scan with the scan archives checked.
Again, can you identify which archive file is freezing the scanning?

Additionally, you can go to the program settings and turn on the creation of the report file (with "OK files" to be included as well in the report). This way, you can find out where the scan really stopped (it's going to be close to the end of the report).
After avast! disappears, check the end of the report file - the "troublesome" file is likely to be close to the end (close in the sense that this particular file will probably not be written in the report, but the previous one will be the last line, so it shouldn't be hard to guess). We would certainly like to have this file - if it really causes problems to avast! - so that we could fix the problem.
The report file created (if you turned it on in program settings) will be (default location) at <avast4>\Data\Report\Simple User Interface.txt
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Offline igor

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I don't see freezing mentioned anywhere... I don't think the report file would help much for bluescreens (the report wouldn't get saved, I guess).


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"Which file? Which folder? Can you post here the full path of them?"

Any file or folder.  It happens with everyone I right click and select virus scan with avast.

I'll try with the report file, and see if it shows me where the problem is.  Fill you all in afterwards.

Thanks again

Offline Lisandro

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It happens with everyone I right click and select virus scan with avast.
This is bad...
Do you use any other antivirus in your system?
Can you disable using skins with the Explorer Extension and then see if you can scan the files?
(Right click the 'a' blue icon, choose Program Settings > Common page)
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Who exactly is Tech?
« Reply #36 on: March 24, 2006, 07:21:59 PM »
And why in the world posting a reply to the effect of infuriating other users?  I mean, is there any USE at all in posting a comment like "I don't have blue screen, avast never cause them for me?"  Where is the goal of such a message exactly if not creating a sense of anger because others are having trouble and somehow HE is above it all?

The thread was started because there is a PROBLEM, not because people want to know that others are not having a problem.  So if you can't post something constructive, whether you being a simple user or even a moderator, don't post!

Now, for that task at hands.  There is a PROBLEM presently, a very SERIOUS problem.  This is caused but AVAST and nothing else.  There is no NEED for anyone to delete everything on their HD when the problem is originating from one single application.

This morning, I woke and a few hours later went into the station just to realize that it wasn't working.  After multiple reboots, I could clearly see that the antivirus engine just wouldn't initialize at all.  Thus, that lead my to believe it had a serious problem and so I tried to REPAIR it.  To no avail, REPAIR would not do anything at all, just 1 second of work and it said that avast was repaired which I know couldn't be the case.

After MULTIPLE install and de-install of Avast.  I realized that, each time I would UPDATE its virus engine, BANG!  Everything on my computer stopped working.

There is a SERIOUS problem with the updates presently.  This is not a Windows related problem, not a Win2K/XP problem, it is an Avast problem.

At present time, my computer is vulnerable and I cannot accept this to go on for more than a day or two before I decide to switch from Avast to another antivirus for the world "out there" is just way too dangerous to work on a computer which is unprotected.

So now, this is a CONSTRUCTIVE opinion.

avast user.

oh.. and just in case the "automated" questions comes up like, have you another antivirus or ever had one in the past.. blah blah blah.  No.  No.  No.  This problem start today, latest update.  I had no problems yesterday, I had no problems a month ago and the many months before that.  Avast as always been fairly stable (doesn't mean it doesn't explode in my face from time to time, it does).  But this problem ONLY starts when I update the virus engine.  The moment it is update, everything stops on the computer.  I reboot, it puts itself into red circle mode.  I repair, nothing works any better.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2006, 07:37:34 PM by NarcAngel »


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Welcome to the forums, NarcAngel.

I am sure you do not know Tech well at all on these forums or you would understand he does not intend to create a sense of anger. Tech has also had his share of problems, gotten help from others here, and has never given me the impression of thinking "he is above it all." That being said, it probably would have been better to have started a new post of your problem instead of flaming someone and then asking for help.    ::)

Anyway, you can try this ......

1 - Uninstall avast in the normal way through Add/Remove

2 - Download and use the Avast Uninstaller utility to be sure the uninstall is complete. The normal uninstall usually works but occationally, it does not. The utility is here .....

3 - Download the lastest avast program directly from the website and do a completely new install. It can be found here ...

I hope this helps you.



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Didn't I stated that I have uninstalled Avast on multiple occasions?  I think, about 6 times by now actually witch double the amount of rebooting.

As far as Tech comments are concerned, they were merited and had to be inside this thread for they concerned only this thread.  My intentions are not to "flame" someone but to communicate my concern when I see someone posting a comment or comments in regard of a problem but the comment has nothing at all to do with the present problem or simply brings nothing constructive as to bring a remedy to the problem.

I have not used the avast uninstaller nor do exactly see its point since I'm reinstalling the same software?  What would be the point to use it if not because we wanted to install another antivirus or are you actually telling me that avast could conflict with avast?  I mean... seems like this would be a strange logical paradox there.

As far as getting the latest version, I never do that until long after I am sure this software is proven stable.  I'm using version 4.5 for it has been (mostly) stable and I can rely on it for not using valuble productive time. 

Now, this said, it does not explain why there is a present update problem, an issue you have not even discussed in your reply.

And yes, as you can obviously see at present time, the computer works perfectly as Avast is not updated (same engine as 2005-02-18).  Thus, in my opinion, any problem solving work should be geered toward this update problem and not uninstalling the program itself.  And so, I would (with some degree of confidence) state that this is a corruption from the server (meaning from Avast itself), and so the problem is not client-side but from you guys.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2006, 07:59:46 PM by NarcAngel »

Offline XMAS

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Hello and welcome NarcAngel

First why don't you start a new topic about your problem, it will be better that to blood an old one which I see there is nothing to do with your problem ;)
As far as getting the latest version, I never do that until long after I am sure this software is proven stable.  I'm using version 4.5 for it has been (mostly) stable and I can rely on it for not using valuble productive time. 
It is strongly recomendet to update your version to the latest 4.6.763 - version 4.5 is older than one year and I can assume you that the latest version is very stable ;)
I have not used the avast uninstaller nor do exactly see its point since I'm reinstalling the same software?  What would be the point to use it if not because we wanted to install another antivirus or are you actually telling me that avast could conflict with avast?  I mean... seems like this would be a strange logical paradox there.
Well there is a little difference in uninstall->boot->install->boot ;)
Sometimes some parts may be damaged and even repairing doesn't help and in this cases the uninstall/boot/install/boot solves the problems ;)
Uninstall your current version, download the latest one and install it(Charley0 gave you the link) , if this doesn't help write back ;)
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BUT, did you use the uninstaller utility? The avast program on your computer may now be corrupted in some way by all the uninstalls/re-installs you have done. We are trying to correct the problem and not debate how many times you have done this or that. I am sorry, but, you do not seem to see the point of many things you think you already know.

From NarcAngel:
As far as Tech comments are concerned, they were merited and had to be inside this thread for they concerned only this thread.
From CharleyO:
That being said, it probably would have been better to have started a new post of your problem instead of flaming someone and then asking for help.

If you wanted to post comments in this post, that is up to you. My statement above concerns your problem and the probablility of getting better help in a new post.    ::)
Too late for that now.

Well, I have tried to help but you seem unresponsive or unwilling to try what may work to solve your problem. So, this is my last post of help in this thread.

Perhaps someone else will be willing to help you. I hope so because it is very evident that you need help.

« Last Edit: March 24, 2006, 09:34:20 PM by CharleyO »


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Once again, and I am quite afraid I will repeat myself.  This does not answer in any way, shape or form the problems regarding the updates issue.  I will try and use the uninstaller and see the results which will, of course, mean other reboots.

As far is the rest is concerns, you are now mixing in emotions with your responses.  This/these comments of mine do not concern you they concerned the person who posted the comments, thus you are not a party to this issue.  I have gone the extra mile in reporting the post and hope that matter will take their own course from there.  Now, if you take these issues at a personal level, that is your problem and not mine.  I can just as easily separate personal problems from professional ones, and when someone is not happy about my service, I try and do better the next time around.  I believe that criticism is HIGHLY important in this world, and how one takes criticism reflects on one's ability or inability to improve one's self and there is just nothing I can do to change that.

Albeit, I still thank you for taking time yourself in responding and trying to help in the way you judge best fit.  As for me, if this issue with Avast update comes up again, I am afraid that I will have to move on to another AV engine eventhough I must say that I have been quite impressed with this AV which I find much better than say Syman... AV engine.

By my questions, you derive that I somehow "know more", being judgemental.  If I came here, if I registered, if I took the time to post, these were all steps I took so I could resolve an issue.  I didn't come here to start a "fight" I just saw something which I believe firmly to be an inappropriate post, and that's all.  And if this is too much for you to being able to separate these emotions from your helping abilities, then it is not a problem for me that you do not wish to help me any further as I see it a problem for you to deal with these issues in a professional manner.


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I am sorry to say that I have no success.

I have tried the avast uninstaller (aswclear.exe) and after countless reboots (way too many actually), I must conclude there is a serious problem server-side.  The very moment I start updating the data base (around a 2.5mb d/l) and when the update is activated the computer ceases to work.  It is a controlled crash where you can still move the mouse but everything you click on will freeze.

I made a mistake earlier in stating that I have version 2.5 when I have version 2.6 actually, my mistake.  As of now, I have permanently uninstalled avast and believe this matter as being an high priority issue regarding the technical team.  I am guessing that I cannot be the only person with this issue, and that there will probably some more feedback to come.  My hope is, of course, that I would be one of the rare one with this issue.  Avast as been a pretty good AV engine so far, I've had some issues lately regarding some problems with the module webscanner, but beside it everything else worked fairly stabled.

I have installed another AV engine from a competitor and will remain with this engine in the meanwhile for I will check the board from time to time to see if the issue as being worked out.  I just cannot go on and lose time like this, too many reboots today, around 20.  And so I believe I have made the effort in debugging this issue, although to no avail.

Thanks again for taking time and replying to my issues.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2006, 11:03:56 PM by NarcAngel »


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I completely understand how you are upset about the wasted time because of this issue you have had. I am sorry to hear that you have moved to another antivirus, so far I do not think anyone has had this issue that you have had but I am not positive. You say that you did indeed have version 4.6? If so did you have the latest?

P.S. Just out of curiosity what other antivirus did you switch to?