Hi, welcome to the forums.
You might find this on-line translation site useful for the future -
http://babelfish.altavista.com/From time to time i have i message "virus detected". What should I do ?
It depends on which of the avast providers detected it and where the infected file is located on your hard disk?
If the Web Shield detects it, you can abort the connection stopping the page/file being downloaded to your browser cache, so there should be nothing further to do (other than don't visit that site again).
If it was the email scanner (Internet Mail), you can choose to delete the email, it won't get into your inbox, so there should be nothing further to do.
If however, it is detected by Standard Shield, then it is on your HDD and action has to be taken and that action also depends on your Operating System. So as You can see we need more information to be able to help fully.
- What OS are you using? is it up to date?
- What avast! version and VPS file (virus database) number, e.g. 0436-4 (see about avast!)
- What was the virus name, what was the filename, where was it found
example (C:\windows\system32\infected-filename.xxx)?
- What actions have you taken to try and resolve the problem?
- What is your email program? (if applicable)
Also see this thread for further information and advice
User's FAQ.