The 'Show last popup message' just shows an ad for avast! Mobile Security. This was no doubt piggy backed on to the update and I suspect that this may be what is screwing it up.
You could be on the right track. I never got any of these ads and never had a problem.
I've also had these ads on some systems. (these ads make the VPS updates happen). It could be the problem.
The ads don't make the VPS happen, they are piggy backed on to the VPS update, but they appear to cause a problem.
There were previously piggy backed on to the VPS update (avast without this problem, whilst you only saw the ad/tip popup and not the update one, the voiceover did announce for the update. If you used the 'Show last popup message' option it showed the update popup and not the ad/tip one.
But something is messed up in avast 9 with the auto update notice and sounds.
+1 I agree with you 100% DavidR ,yes you are right something is really messed up and I think drastically wrong (my opinion) in avast 9 with the auto update notice and sounds.
My system is Windows 7 x 64 bit, I did report back and give feedback on the issue of there being NO auto update notice and sounds when the VPS is updated in avast 9 quite a while before the final release of avast 9, but unfortunately this problem and issue was not and has not been addressed as yet and I don't know why?
I did not get any notice or sound notification at all today to say that the VPS had auto updated, I knew that the VPS had been updated by putting my mouse on the avast ball and when I did that a blue and white notice came up saying: Everything is good avast 20149.0.2006 131019-0.
I know that this is only a minor issue but I hope this problem and issue will be resolved SOON!